The Republic of Heaven

A small bit of news for TBOD

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A small bit of news for TBOD

Postby tellthemstories » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:21 pm

I didn't notice this bit of info on the forum but

'In August 2011, Pullman gave an interview to the magazine "Qué Leer" and said, that The Book of Dust will take "a couple more years before you can read it"'

at least he's still writing it and in about a year we might get the date of release, maybe...only been waiting 11 years already (probably a bit less)
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Re: A small bit of news for TBOD

Postby cjp » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:48 pm

Yeah, I noticed this on the main site: ... tbod-news/ (thanks @Twittagazze on Twitter!).

Like you, I'm just glad it's still being worked on and is progressing. Hopefully we'll have some more concrete information over the next few months. I'm betting he's getting fed up of being asked questions about TBOD at every Q+A session he does...
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Re: A small bit of news for TBOD

Postby tellthemstories » Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:14 pm

Yeah i read that article too, thought it was out of date. I bet he's not as fed up as we are waiting for it, must be at least 8 years since it was announced. This wait is worse than the 5 year gaps in A Song of Ice and Fire...
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Re: A small bit of news for TBOD

Postby TheRealNeo » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:59 pm

Is there a chance that it will ever get published?^^
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