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Just another newbie

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Just another newbie

Postby Valrad » Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:38 pm

My name is Gabe, I'm 20 and my dream is to bump most of the old topics in here and see what the mods think of my mission when threads from as early as 2004 come back from the dead. Nope, just kidding xD

I recently finished reading His Dark Materials and searched for a dedicated forum where I can bicker about how great the trilogy was and how sorry I felt when it was over. Eh, all good things come to an end, eh? Luckily, this forum has high quality posts from what I can see, which is great. Nothing's worse than the occasional forum troll...

Anyway, I'm a student and study economy, marketing and other boring stuff which you may ask about because you will pretend to be interested xD Even if I don't quite show it, I love reading and at the moment, there's quite a list I have to go through in order to respect my promise and finish them before summer.

Aside from that, one of my favorite hobbies is writing. No, I'm not an author, even if people like to call it this way. Even if I first started writing Inheritance Cycle fanfics, I must thank my brother for recommending that book to me. Although disappointing, irritating at times and empty in the suspense department, it had helped me by offering a start. Right now, I'm still working on one of the fanfics while writing two other novels(one is on standby; I will shock it back to life soon).

I love big cats. If you will check this post at least, you will see that I will most likely pick a big cat avatar(as soon as I edit it to meet the board's requirement). I love animals and biology was and still is one of my favorite part of science.

That's all for now. Hope to meet as many people as possible and discuss about everything and babble about HDM.
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby Jaya » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:16 pm

Hi, Valrad/Gabe! (which should we call you? We do already have another Gabe on the forum, but he rarely visits these days)

Necro-posting is not encouraged, but if you feel you have something new to add then do post in threads, even if they haven't been posted in for a while! (See Rule 3 of our Forum Rules).

May I ask where you're from? What books do you like besides His Dark Materials?
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby Valrad » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:57 pm

I promise I'm a good boy and will respect the rules. I will only post in threads that will match my thoughts, as to avoid creating a new thread with basically the same purpose.

I'm from Romania, the country that does not have many fantasy books in the libraries. I'm serious, I had to download a PDF version of Mistborn because no one ever heard about it, and it's Bucharest, the capital city of this country. A bit lame, I know. As for what I did read, well... it sounds weird, but I haven't read a lot before last year, only three HP books and LoTR, and then Mistborn(it's a very good fantasy book), Elantris and HDM. Mistborn and Elantris are by Brandon Sanderson. He's definitely my favorite author, although is a bit hard to choose between HDM and Mistborn, they are both so awesome.
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby bee » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:04 pm

Hi Gabe! Welcome!
... to avoid creating a new thread with basically the same purpose.
Much appreciated. ;) It's really nice to have newbies freshen up the discussion. We're doing a re-read of HDM for our forum book club, which should get some other members to remember things to discuss too!

My brother studies economics and he thinks it's superbly fascinating, but it makes no sense to me. (Of course, my mum says we sound just the same to her when I talk about my area of expertise and he talks about his... I guess it's all just enthusiasm!)

Also, big cats, ftw. As my final gesture of welcoming I give you...
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"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." (Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species")
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby Anoria » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:18 am

My name is Gabe, I'm 20 and my dream is to bump most of the old topics in here and see what the mods think of my mission when threads from as early as 2004 come back from the dead. Nope, just kidding xD
Dangerous ideas, this one has. Don't you dare get near the daffodils.
Anyway, I'm a student and study economy, marketing and other boring stuff which you may ask about because you will pretend to be interested xD
No danger of that from this quarter ;)
I love big cats. If you will check this post at least, you will see that I will most likely pick a big cat avatar(as soon as I edit it to meet the board's requirement). I love animals and biology was and still is one of my favorite part of science.
Somebody I know is happy to hear that:
I used to dismiss biology as boring and not rigorous enough to be real science, but then I was forced to actually do it for a while (funny how a paycheck can make almost anything interesting, at least at first) and now I think ecology and certain aspects of biochemistry are fascinating. I hope I get to talk science with you one of these days :)

Many welcomes to our little corner of the internet. We will make every effort to help this place live up to your expectations :)
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby Valrad » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:46 pm

Thank you for the epic welcome, it's not often that I get epic posts in my threads xD Wow, it's nice to see that you have some group activities going on. Recently, I did a writing competition with some of my friends in a PM on a forum, and we all had to write a story based on a title I picked. It was a lot of fun.

Hah, well, maybe I'll find it fun too after I finish my first year, although I don't feel that passion gripping me. That GIFwas sooo cute, tiger cub <3 thanks
Dangerous ideas, this one has. Don't you dare get near the daffodils.
Of course not. There are... limitations. Ah, I hope so too, I always like to talk to someone about anything and everything. And of course biology is worthy to be a part of science. It's because of it that medicine became what it is, plus our understanding of how the world works.
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby bee » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:55 pm

And of course biology is worthy to be a part of science.
INDEED!!! Biology is the best subject ever!

...I'm biased.
Best Newbie (Sraffie Awards 2008)
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"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." (Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species")
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby Soapy » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:44 am

Welcome, welcome.

<random information>I think my grandmother's mother was from Romania</random information>

Anyway, yes, make yourself comfortable but do mind the daffodils.
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Re: Just another newbie

Postby Peter » Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:36 pm

Anyway, yes, make yourself comfortable but do mind the daffodils.
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