The Republic of Heaven

Mass Separator (why do I think of things like this?)

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Mass Separator (why do I think of things like this?)

Postby SuperTrainStation H » Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:28 am

Mass Separator

Why did I think up of something this terrible?

It probably goes back to my fascination with the Roboticisor from the old Sonic cartoons.
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SuperTrainStation H
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Re: Mass Separator (why do I think of things like this?)

Postby Philharmonic » Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:56 am

well....umm...yeah, great. but i think it would have been more effective as two rooms rather than walkways with the mesh and the manganese-titanium alloy blade in the mesh between. It would be more efficient as it would process over 100 at once.

also, the 'walkway' concept is a little dodgy because the shock from the procedure might kill the person then theres some bodies to deal with, or some may just be under the 'spectre effect' - unable to move, hard to respond to a person and so forth.

i love concepts tbh - they always evolve into something great. i mean, look at the ford ka - it took eleven years but its happened.

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Re: Mass Separator (why do I think of things like this?)

Postby SuperTrainStation H » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:50 am

Thanks for commenting. :lol:

The reason I decided to make it narrow corridor rather than a wide room was because the versions in the book and film seem to try to keep the people and daemons as close as possible when the cut is made. Additionally I wanted something fairly portable that could be dismantled and moved easily, and it would seem easier to force people and daemons through something narrow than something wide because I was imagining something like that metal "maze" thing they shove cows through in slaughterhouses.
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