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Having too many kids

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Re: Having too many kids

Postby Zero » Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:19 pm

Did you study law at some point?
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Re: Having too many kids

Postby Bellerophon » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:47 pm

Did you study law at some point?
Yes, did you? If you studied in a civil law country that might explain our conflicting perspectives on mutable definitions.

To expand on my response to your previous post, consider the possibility that eugenicists meeting your broad definition would still react to my opinion exactly as I anticipated. Perhaps they would regard infertility as a defect, but wouldn't they worry about the possibility of waste if they cared about dimensions of "quality" besides fertility? In light of the history of eugenics, I didn't think it was an unfair assumption.

Also consider the following hypothetical. Suppose you need fertility treatment to conceive, and the prospect of having your own child makes you much happier than the prospect of adopting. Assume the treatment wouldn't cause harm to anyone else. Later, as you're leaving the fertility clinic, a homeless man asks you how much it cost. Would any amount embarrass you? If so, why?


See here for a moving, well-written tale of male infertility. I empathize. One thing that stood out to me, however, was that the author seemed to be most upset by his diagnosis because it made him feel inadequate as a man. A little vanity there, no?

I'd probably take the supplement if the price were right. I had low testosterone for a few weeks after training too much, and it wasn't pleasant.
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Re: Having too many kids

Postby Zero » Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:32 am

"Yes, did you? If you studied in a civil law country that might explain our conflicting perspectives on mutable definitions."

No, I barely went to school.

I had a lover who was a business lawyer, she argued in much the same way as you – as if definition was a fluid concept and “belonged” to the person who made the most compelling case, rather than definition as consensus (I.E. by dictionary and encyclopaedia). She also adored hypotheticals and was expert in addressing around a point by firing back a follow up question in an attempt to divert attention. On the plus side because she was a lawyer her inane sense of self disgust made her dynamite in bed.

I disagree fundamentally with your view, but respect your stance given that it seemingly comes from conviction rather than prejudice, however we have to disagree, and I can’t have a discussion with someone who has a law background as I honestly can’t handle the way your brain operates.
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Re: Having too many kids

Postby Anoria » Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:01 am

*dons riot gear before venturing into thread*
This applies much more to the first page than to what's being discussed now, but I thought it should be posted somewhere:
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