The Republic of Heaven

M:If they did make a Subtle Knife what do you want to expect

Discussion for the adaptations of HDM: Movie (M), Audio (A), Stage Play (SP) and Sega’s videogame (VG).

Re: If they did make a Subtle Knife what do you want to expect?

Postby Philharmonic » Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:29 pm

OK, i've improvised with a NASA carbon filter and a CO2 fire extinguisher.

Look, i can accept that some-ok, everyone else-likes this score,but what i can't accept is persistant questioning over why i don't. Check my recent updates to the depression thread to see what i mean-i might challenge the views of others, but i can accept them, while others-with narrow vision-will not.

Can we drop this now please? let's move onto something else? maybe casting or something? i'm getting a headache here from this page.

Stardate 53476.8. Captain's log. Still won't flush. I'll try again later.
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Re: If they did make a Subtle Knife what do you want to expect?

Postby daemon_light » Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:43 am

So once and for all, IT IS ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH BECAUSE THE MUSIC IS TOO REPETITIVE OVER ONE PIECE (please use more than one next time), AND IT DOES NOT FLOW WITH WHAT IS HAPPENING. I HOPE THAT PROVIDES ENOUGH REASON FOR US ALL! (thats the second time i have said that because, dl, people seem to repeat their arguments over and over again, and its not just me)
What felt repetative...? Because (as mentioned before) there were actually quite a few developed themes. I appreciate you giving me your oppinions, but it's the fact that you're not elaborating that makes your arguments frustrating and hard to understand... so, for example, mention what you found repetative about it.

Your oppinions may have good reason behind them, of course, even if I don't agree with you in the end. And if you elaborate I'll be able to, at the very least, understand your oppinions. :wink:
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Re: If they did make a Subtle Knife what do you want to expect?

Postby Philharmonic » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:33 pm

I was refering to a different film when i said three or four repetitive things.

I don't know the name of the piece, im afraid. I'll have to watch the film again to get a scene.

Thank god it was one of Desplat's few good compositions.

So can we PLEASE move on now?

Stardate 53476.8. Captain's log. Still won't flush. I'll try again later.
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Re: If they did make a Subtle Knife what do you want to expect?

Postby Northen_Lights » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:52 pm

Yeah... break it up, people, break it up... :?
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Re: If they did make a Subtle Knife what do you want to expect?

Postby Morris1994 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:54 am

Actor: Someone who has never been in a movie before *ahem* so it's fresh
Setting: Sicily...
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