The Republic of Heaven

TBOD: Angelica, a minor character worth mentioning again?

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Postby aklebury » Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:45 am

yeah i guess...

Angelica was very fiery and hot-tempered like Lyra and that bit of her leading the children at the end is very reminiscient of Lyra leading the escape from Bolvangar

I don't nessecarily think Pullman was trying to say, look this is what Lyra would have been like had things been different, but certainly there seems to be a deliberate comparison type of thing going on
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Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:31 am

I guess what I'm saying is that both Lyra and Angelica had a similar quality that allowed them to step into positions of leadership in upside down worlds where adults were either absent (Cittagazze) or antagonistic (Bolvangar). What I like is that Pullman completely resisted the urge to make them into benevolent leaders of ideal societies. He doesn't say 'look, with no adults everything is perfect'. Angelica and Lyra are both dictators. They expect what they want to be done without questioning it. And they manage to get by pretty well. They are not perfect leaders, they make mistakes, but they both do the right thing as far as they see it.
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Postby L and M » Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:28 am

Id like to find out what happend to that girl, Ama, at the start of TASG. she escapes during the battle, when Lyra has just woken up. Lyra asks the Althiometre, and it tells her that Ama is safe, but thinks they (will and lyra) are evil. Then she is forgotten about completely. but id like to find out what happens to her. does she just go home, and live the rest of her life? or does she go of on an adventure? id just like to find out. :)
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Postby Aurone » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:10 pm

I liked Ama, and I was hoping something would happen to where she joined Will and Lyra on ther journey, but Pullman did write her in a way to where she pretty much there to fullfill her purpose and be done with. She wasn't given that much of a strong character unlike Anglica.
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Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:10 am

In another book that I like a lot, 'Rubicon' by Steven Saylor (Ancient Roman detective novel), one character says something like this to another
'Isn't it interesting that people live exactly as long as you need them and no longer?' (he was talking about a nameless slave who had managed to row the hero and another guy to safety across a harbour while arrows whizzed overhead. Just as they got to safety, the slave died). I'd like to misquote this, and say 'Isn't interesting how minor characters exist as long as you need them, and then you forget them?'

Except we haven't forgotten Ama, so it doesn't really work, but do you see what I'm getting at here?
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Postby shinoshaki » Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:18 pm

Id like to find out what happend to that girl, Ama, at the start of TASG. she escapes during the battle, when Lyra has just woken up. Lyra asks the Althiometre, and it tells her that Ama is safe, but thinks they (will and lyra) are evil. Then she is forgotten about completely. but id like to find out what happens to her. does she just go home, and live the rest of her life? or does she go of on an adventure? id just like to find out.
Many stories have things you must imagine by yourself I suppose... ever read the neverending story? It drives me a lil' crazy, all those unfinished stories you just need to know... but then... thats whats imagination for, I suppose!
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Re: A minor character worth mentioning again?

Postby Ellie » Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:46 pm

You Could Also Metion Ama, Who Just Kinda Fizzeled Out. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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