The Republic of Heaven

Spectres in Will's World

Discuss the second book of the trilogy

Postby Faye » Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:03 pm

There definately must have been spectres in Will's world. His mom cant have been completely mad but thats just the way she comes across to people in wills world. If you think about it nearly everyone in Will's world can not see spectres, so Elain when Will's father disappears must have opened her mind thinking he must have been somewhere other than her world, so resulting to her being able to see specters. what do the of you think??? :?:
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Postby Tomsy » Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:14 pm

If you think about it nearly everyone in Will's world can not see spectres
I they can, actually.
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The 'Spectres' in Will's World

Postby Jack » Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:21 pm

Will says something like there are Spectres in his world, which is really meant to be our world- but we haven't got a name for them.

I believe Spectres are just a metaphor for the way people busy themselves with insignificant things to blind themselves to the things that really matter- the big issues.

For example, people who are afraid of death continue living by being diverted by the distractions of life. Distracting yourself like this usually leads to paranoia, and you could say 'mental illness', which is pretty much the condition Will's mum is in. She busies herself with mundane tasks such as counting the leaves of a bush as her distraction.
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