Sraffie Book-on-Tape?
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Sraffie Book-on-Tape?
So i had an idea that people seem to be interested in:
I propose that each Sraffie (hint: particularly if you frequent #btts!) reads a chapter or two of an HDM book, so we can compile our own audio recording of it! It seems natural to start at the beginning, so I thought we could try NL first.
Personally speaking, I'd like to have each individual give his or her own little unique performance - complete with mispronunciations and accents and all that. Perhaps I'm biased because I say "Leera" - whatever. Opinions please?
I already started reading a chapter, so I'll sign my name next to it. But if you would like to participate and actually think you'd complete the project, please post and claim a chapter!
(Part One: Oxford)
one - The Decanter of Tokay [MelancholyMan]
two - The Idea of North [abc]
three - Lyra's Jordan [krebbe]
four - The Alethiometer [moonflash]
five - The Cocktail Party [Anoria]
six - The Throwing Nets [Ian]
seven - John Faa [Brynjarbjorn]
eight - Frustration [Merlyn]
nine - The Spies [angelofboox]
(Part Two: Bolvangar)
ten - The Consul and the Bear [jessia]
eleven - Armour [Huginn]
twelve - The Lost Boy [hermit]
thirteen - Fencing [Enitharmon]
fourteen - Bolvangar Lights [Psy-Tychist]
fifteen - The daemon Cages [DutchCrunch]
sixteen - The Silver Guillotine [Jamie]
seventeen - Witches [Cookiemonster]
(Part Three: Svalbard)
eighteen - Fog and Ice [heatheradair]
nineteen - Captivity [zemarl]
twenty - À Outrance [Enitharmon]
twenty-one - Lord Asriel's Welcome [heatheradair]
twenty-two - Betrayal [Will]
twenty-three - The Bridge to the Stars [moonflash]
*---violet = claimed // orange = completed---*
I propose that each Sraffie (hint: particularly if you frequent #btts!) reads a chapter or two of an HDM book, so we can compile our own audio recording of it! It seems natural to start at the beginning, so I thought we could try NL first.
Personally speaking, I'd like to have each individual give his or her own little unique performance - complete with mispronunciations and accents and all that. Perhaps I'm biased because I say "Leera" - whatever. Opinions please?
I already started reading a chapter, so I'll sign my name next to it. But if you would like to participate and actually think you'd complete the project, please post and claim a chapter!
(Part One: Oxford)
one - The Decanter of Tokay [MelancholyMan]
two - The Idea of North [abc]
three - Lyra's Jordan [krebbe]
four - The Alethiometer [moonflash]
five - The Cocktail Party [Anoria]
six - The Throwing Nets [Ian]
seven - John Faa [Brynjarbjorn]
eight - Frustration [Merlyn]
nine - The Spies [angelofboox]
(Part Two: Bolvangar)
ten - The Consul and the Bear [jessia]
eleven - Armour [Huginn]
twelve - The Lost Boy [hermit]
thirteen - Fencing [Enitharmon]
fourteen - Bolvangar Lights [Psy-Tychist]
fifteen - The daemon Cages [DutchCrunch]
sixteen - The Silver Guillotine [Jamie]
seventeen - Witches [Cookiemonster]
(Part Three: Svalbard)
eighteen - Fog and Ice [heatheradair]
nineteen - Captivity [zemarl]
twenty - À Outrance [Enitharmon]
twenty-one - Lord Asriel's Welcome [heatheradair]
twenty-two - Betrayal [Will]
twenty-three - The Bridge to the Stars [moonflash]
*---violet = claimed // orange = completed---*
Last edited by heatheradair on Tue May 02, 2006 7:46 am, edited 33 times in total.
heatheradair - Text Twist Ninja
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3 - Lyra's Jordan
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krebbe - Stultifyingly Substantiated
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Ooh, sign me up! Betrayal please. I'll rope t'other Heather in for one too. 

Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God tell you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
- Will
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It wouldn't be copyright infringement if it weren't publicly posted and we all have our own copies of the books, right?*Hates to spoil the fun, but - (C)?
Last edited by heatheradair on Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
heatheradair - Text Twist Ninja
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Copyright? We're just fans. Discussing the books. And we can just quote really well. Whole-chapter well.
"To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning."
-Henry David Thoreau

-Henry David Thoreau

Jaya - Je ne suis pas une sraffie.
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Fantastic idea! I'll get back to you which chapter I'd like to do

If you want to know what makes me sad
Well it's hope, the endurance of faith
A battle that lasts a lifetime
A fight that never ends
Walking in the countryside
It seems that the winds have stopped
Tell my mother I am sorry
And I loved her
- Jamie
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But so much better if we had PP's blessing. Will?It wouldn't be copyright infringement if it weren't publicly posted and we all have our own copies of the books, right?*Hates to spoil the fun, but - (C)?
Peter - Not an endangered species
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Ok I'll do Chapter 13 Fencing and Chapter 20 À Outrance
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The Book of Enitharmon
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The Book of Enitharmon
Currently reading: Vanity Fair by William M Thackeray
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Let's get something done first.But so much better if we had PP's blessing. Will?It wouldn't be copyright infringement if it weren't publicly posted and we all have our own copies of the books, right?*Hates to spoil the fun, but - (C)?

Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God tell you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
- Will
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chapter seven has one of my favorite quotes (which i've probably posted about a bit too much lately in #btts?) - "I see the Master as a man having terrible choices to make; whatever he chooses will do harm, but maybe if he does the right thing, a little less harm will come about than if he chooses wrong. God preserve me from having to make that sort of choice."I'm thinking about either chapter four- 'The Alethiometer' or chapter seven- 'John Faa'
let me know when you decide

heatheradair - Text Twist Ninja
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does that mean i should go ahead and put your name next to it?I might do the first chapter. However, I have a dumb accent, no recording device, and my copy of GC is currently on loan. So, maybe...
heatheradair - Text Twist Ninja
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