Your reasons for calling me irrational are essentially only your opinion.
Obviously everything I say is essentially just my opinion. However, my opinion of you and your irrationality is accurate.
My opinion and your opinion are both valid. My reasoning and your reasoning are both generally valid.
No, that is utter, utter bollocks: only correct opinions are valid and only rational reasoning is valid. How can you all spout such utter ~*iguana*~-wittery? Really? Do you think at all? Are you seriously suggesting that Galileo, after developing the opinion, through a combination of empirical observation and rational thought, that the Earth, in fact, orbited the Sun and not vice versa, the Church's opinion that, in fact, the converse is true, was 'equally valid'? Of course it ~*iguana*~ wasn't, and this applies to all opinions - all we have are our opinions, which we form more or less objectively, and the more objective they are the more they will correspond with objective truth, and therefore the more valid they will be. (And thus, more objective reasoning is also more valid.)
I am perennially staggered by just how many people are duped by this
infantile 'all opinions are equally valid'
bollocks. You may have noticed it gets me VERY IRATE.
Therefore I do not see why it is necessarily the case that one party must be being irrational - if only it were that easy! You seem to be labouring under the delusion that there is a right and wrong answer here,
HA. Labouring under a delusion, am
when in fact EMA is a very grey area which has its advantages and disadvantages. When trying to balance it out, people will come to different answers.
And many of them, like you, will be mistaken.
My opinion isn't based solely on the grounds that I like my £10 a week too much. I'm sure you will also find that there are some people in favour of EMA who aren't eligible for it and therefore this argument cannot apply to them.
Naturally: the prejudices that can lead humans into even one particular false opinion are innumerable.
Private schools are relevant to the EMA issue because it applies to them too,
It applies to them, if it does, in precisely the same way so the distinction is irrelevant.
I suppose you therefore think it would be a good idea to purge all the less beneficial schemes and put that money into more beneficial ones. But you still have to draw a line somewhere, and I personally believe EMA is one of the more beneficial ones. It could however do with some improvement. It hasn't been running for very long and the system needs tweaking to make it better. I believe this is preferable to abandoning it altogether.
People sacrifice their personal autonomy so that you can have these things: you have no right to pick and choose ones which happen to appeal to you (in large part because you're benefitting from it yourself, no doubt). You prove yourself that it's an utter bloody misuse of money: using it to enable you to put another filthy, foul car into operation, entirely unnecessarily. Think beyond yourself and your silly little notions of what you have a right to have from other people, if just for a moment.