The Republic of Heaven

What Languages Do People Speak?

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Languages thread

Postby Stargirl » Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:01 am

I only speak two languages and i feel very.... out-languaged. :cry: oh well. most ppl i know only speak one. so ha. us americans are so un-educated. and ill soon be learning a third. :)

Kahlan your avatar is disturbing.

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Postby brynjarbjorn » Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:20 am

Actually I've heard that Americans value education highly, even more than in many other Western Countries, cheer up Stargirl :wink:

I'm also on language board in my school, so while I study many languages I'm lousy at maths :lol:
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Postby Maler » Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:28 am

Actually I've heard that Americans value education highly, even more than in many other Western Countries, cheer up Stargirl :wink:

I'm also on language board in my school, so while I study many languages I'm lousy at maths :lol:

Maybe you should consider traveling as a career :lol:
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Postby Stargirl » Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:33 am

i wish they paid you to travel. :evil: harumph. well good news is i may be coming to europe for the first time ever in june. :D :D :D :D to paris actually. but maybe england aswell, i hope....

and yes about the education in us, thats a very big misconception, im sure some of the states have good funding, but i live in land of the governator, where we have mr-weight-lifter-wemon-molestor to "governate" us. and were having a lot of school funding issues. oh no the elections in 28 days, *shakes*

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Postby Ian » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:18 pm

* SLAPS fieldhockeychick8 ACROSS THE FACE*

I just couldn't control myself!

Hvað í andskotanum er að þér tussan þín?!


.... rotnaðu í helvíti
Now my icelandic isn't great, but even I know what "rotnaðu í helvíti" means. So much more effective in another language. 8)
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Postby eniamrahc » Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:47 pm


When did that happen? Oh...

*wishes she could see the Abyss again*

FAA members are going to take over the globe before Icelanders do, so everyone? Don't be afraid. :P

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Postby brynjarbjorn » Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:28 pm

Sorry for the bad language, the thing is the forum had a little wisit from the 'girl from hell' last night. The only thing she did was barraging endless topics, mostly about nothing. But she was writing a topic about something considering the books in FAQ category or whatever... almost like she was just randomly clicking and typing.
Then she started to act like a total you-know-what when she noticed that her topics were consantly getting locked, and started to call us meanies, that we were so mean to her and blahblahblah!
THEN she wanted to really get down on us by saying that we were treating her like a 5 year old but she actually is 13 and continued to write stupid things.

I had been watching that oddness going on and saw that people here were constantly telling her that she was putting useless topics in completelly wrong categories over and over again. She kept going on so I desided to try and drive her off by posting a reply with rather cruel curses things that I thought would shut her up.
Normaly I don't say such things to a anyone, but it's been a long time since I've seen such a jerk before.

I also won't be telling you what a 'tussa' is, Dæmon seems to have found out what rotnaðu í helvíti means.

I love ya all and I will never do this again, also if some posts that I write sound a little harsh it's just because of lack of vocabulary, I'll never be rude to ya on purpose.
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Postby Kahlan » Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:44 pm

I also won't be telling you what a 'tussa' is, Dæmon seems to have found out what rotnaðu í helvíti means.
I too know what the last thing means.
I think I know what 'tussa' means, but I'm not sure.. Don't think I'll even guess, in fear of making an utter fool of myself..:P
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Postby brynjarbjorn » Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:49 pm

Well, 'tussa' is a positivelly disgusting word for a girl that is pissing somebody off. It's probably got something to do with horses or cows, but I don't study bad language so I don't know where it comes from :wink:
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Postby Kahlan » Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:55 pm

Well, 'tussa' is a positivelly disgusting word for a girl that is pissing somebody off. It's probably got something to do with horses or cows, but I don't study bad language so I don't know where it comes from :wink:
How can something be positively disgusting? :wink:
In Norway tussa (or tusser) is a word for small people from legends, living in the mountains. Little hairy trolls.
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Postby brynjarbjorn » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:06 am

When you call somebody a tussa around here, the meaning is something close to the word BiTcH in english, but it's like a floor higher in offendism, cause we have a word actually means bitch, it's normally used for female dogs but when, for example, two girls get angry at each other and start fighting.
Tussa however can be used for both guys and girls, at least i've seen guys call somebody they don't like by that name. Then what you can do in icelandic is add something to the word, in doing so make it longer and make it more offendable, like: þurrkuntutussa. THAT one I promise I won't translate.

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Postby Ian » Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:29 am

Est-ce que tu l'aime zemarl?
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Postby brynjarbjorn » Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:16 am

Isn't this french? but that zemarl at the end looks like Dutch or something....

Do you like it... zemarl?
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Postby Stargirl » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:41 am

i do not remember tarting this. hm, sounds like work of the moderators too me..... :)

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Postby Symon » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:45 am

Good on you, brynjarbjorn. hee.

I language fluently [English], one language ALMOST fluently [French], and many others not well at all, but am working very hard on...[Dutch, Czech, Icelandic, German].

And I took a Latin class in school. It was kind of a waste of time...but we'll see if that changes.
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Postby writteninveggies » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:48 am

I'm fluent in English. Only. Plus a minimal ammount of Spanish. I feel so...illiterate.
And I took a Latin class in school. It was kind of a waste of time...but we'll see if that changes.
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Postby Maler » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:42 pm

hahaha I only speak a little bit of some languages like from my friends...

Islamic (sorry if I spelled that wrong :oops: )
English and finally

I only speak a little polish because my great grandma is polish. (Yes my great grandma is still alive, she's almost 100!)

I don't know if anyone knows what a DUPA is?????

(Might have spelled dupa wrong but who cares!)
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Postby Ian » Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:14 pm

I speak English, Swedish, French and German, and I speak none of them fluently. The more languages I learn, the worse I get at the others. My pronunciation gets worse. My spelling gets worse. And often, I try and say the word I want to say in about 3 languages at once. Eventually I won't be able to speak at all.
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Postby la senorita » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:39 pm

I can speak a lot of spanish a little french and i know some Irish
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Postby Taroh » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:46 pm

i guess im one of those uneducated americans, lol. I only speak english as a language, but my entire family on my dads side speaks spanish, they were all born in perto rico, execpt my dad, well and me too. But i do know a little bit of spnaish but for the life of me i can speak it good, lol. I also know some italian from my moms side and i learned it in school but i dropped the class b/c i just couldnt get it. Im not very good when it comes to learning another language.

Also i think its awsome that you might be goin to europe stargirl, thats go cool. I wish i could travel there, i have a list of all the places i want to travel to in my lifetime. Im planning on gooing maybe to london the summer b4 college.
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