The Republic of Heaven

The Knife - Why?

Discuss the second book of the trilogy

Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:33 am

Ah ok!! Were they serious??
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
Colonel William Tavington: And indeed you may! But that's between you and God.

Colonel William Tavington: Pretty impressive for farmers with pitchforks.
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Naomi Silvertongue
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