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When I grow up, I want to be...

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What do you want to be when you 'grow up'?

Postby la bohemia » Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:13 am

:twisted: C'mon, it's the best question ever! And it's ever-so-much fun to ask. Thats probably the first thing I ask someone after they tell me their, what do you want to be when you're older? huh?

I wanna be (in no particular order) an author, the wife of several very wealthy very dead men, a hero, a humanist, a philosopher, rich, a muscian, a lawyer, a professor, a mistress to some incredibly wealthy guy with a bitchy wife (just for fun :wink: ) and Mrs. Philip Pullman. Das ist alles. Und du?
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Postby jessia » Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:17 am

philip pullman's old.... it'd be cool to be his daughter or something though. think of all the bedtime stories!

i think i'm going to do something sciency. i don't like math, so that's business cut out for me. i'm not good enough in art to make a career out of it. my english isn't good enough for humanities stuff like if i want to be a diplomat kinda thing when i grow up... i'm thinking pharmacist, or lab technician kinda thing. then i can stand all day.
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Postby Isobel » Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:54 am

Wow, La Bohemia, that's quite an interesting list! I'm not sure, exactly. For many, many years (well, I guess it can't be that many cos I'm only 16, but it seems like a long time ) It's been my dream to be an actress. I don't think that'll happen, but I would still love to if it worked out. More realistically, some of my ideas are: author (this is my first choice), magazine editor, journalist, magazine/newspaper/anything writer, book/film critic, travel writer, also something to do with films might be fun. Can you tell I like writing? :wink:
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Postby King Ogunwe » Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:13 am

eccentric billionaire.... maybe a fireman...
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Postby Pyr » Thu Apr 10, 2003 7:44 am

i dont want to grow up. i was over at a friends house the other day, and her little brother was climbing trees, and he just shimmied up this birch to the topmost branch, then let it lower him slowly to the ground, and in a strange sort of way, it was beautiful, because he was both coming and going at the same time, if you get what i mean. The thing is, i remember doing the same thing when i was smaller, and now i cant, and i just know pretty soon ill forget all of it, all the little rights and wrongs of childhood, and i dont want to. the only thing i know i want to do with my life is travel; i want to get out of the US again, see the world. maybe ill write, maybe ill do some sort of science. i dont really want to work. honestly, the only reason to work is to get things, and if you dont want things, why work. ok im done.
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Postby Shivy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:55 pm

I hate this question. I don't know. And i'm in my last year of High School, and my Guidance Teacher said (basically) "You have to decide by the end of the summer what you want to do with the rest of your life so you can pick a Uni"

When I was younger and someone asked, I would tell them I wanted to be a doctor or a teacher.. just so they would leave me alone really.

Hmph. I would do everything if i could, but i can't. So, I'm gonna go to Cambridge (If i can get in..) and study and be a professor or something. If I can't find anything better (although i'm considering engineering) I'm going to do Physics and Maths, and maybe become a teacher.

Either that or drive a combine harvester :lol:
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Postby Isobel » Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:17 pm

Wow, that's kind of scary to know that you have to choose a career in the next few months. I kinda know what you mean - I'm starting to look at colleges I might want to go to, and it helps to know what you want to do. I just don't know though - not math or science, but beyond that I'm not sure. I don't know what I want to study, either, but I don't think that's such a big deal cos most of the things I want to do don't require a certain major or anything like that. I guess I really have until I actually get to college to decide, though, so I have about two more years. I don't really like this question either. I used to always say I wanted to be an actress and then people would get all surprised and tell me I was too smart to do that and I should go be a brain surgeon or something instead. :roll: Um, why is acting bad for smart people anyway? Now I just don't really know what to say.
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Postby Justine » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:29 pm

I want to be a teacher. I don't want to be rich, and I don't really plan on getting married. I want to live in a small house because I hate to clean. Those are my goals in life.
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Postby Tristan » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:31 pm

Hmm... I want to take over the world! Well, no, not really. Maybe write a book or ten, start a small little bookstore somewhere, do webdesign in my spare time. :?
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Postby Daniel » Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:50 pm

I'd like to go into physics. Actually, my dream job would be a ful-time philosopher, but that's not going to happen. The only people who do full-time philosophy are philosophy professors.
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Postby King Ogunwe » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:24 pm

I want to be in the CIA... literally... my parents were astounded... "You'd give up your whole life for your country?"
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Postby jessia » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:45 pm

you really don't need to know what you want to be exactly when you grow up by last year university. but you have to know what direction, because university progams let you branch out into different fields of that study.
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Postby Isobel » Fri Apr 11, 2003 1:10 am

I'm still really uncertain about careers, but I have some of my other life goals all figured out. lol, Justine, I don't like cleaning either. Small houses are the way to go. :wink: I want to live in Europe - that's my biggest goal. I know that's sort of sad, but that's what I want to do. I want to live in a big city and also travel a lot. I want to get married but probably not have any children. That's about all. :wink:
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Postby la bohemia » Fri Apr 11, 2003 1:42 am

lol; cleaning sucks. I wanna maid. I also want to own a coffee shop...I am a coffee shop chick, lol. And for all my joking around about it, I seriously don't ever want to get married. It's so creepy; you have to give half of yourself to this other person. I'd rather keep me for me, thank you very much.
omg, last year, my guidance couselors started telling us we had to decide now what we wanted to be- it was so creepy. I was so upset, because how the hell was I supposed to know??? I was only thirteen, for gods' sake. They should all just leave us alone and let us figure it out ourselves!
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Postby Isobel » Fri Apr 11, 2003 1:47 am

They wanted you to seriously decide what you want to be at age 13?! lol, I remember in eighth grade my school made us do career tests and then they had a career day. It was all stupid peoples' parents with sad,pathetic jobs, and they made us go listen to the people whose jobs matched our career test results, which in my case were really boring. I think I got arts or writing or business as my top scores. I dunno where business came from. I got the lowest possible score you could get in the education/childcare section. :wink:
Getting married is kind of creepy, I guess. It's more convenient and practical, but it does seem kind of intimidating. And the thought of theoretically being with that one person all the time for the rest of your life is a bit scary as well.
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Postby la bohemia » Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:36 am

lol, we had to take those sad little tests. They were so mean mine actually told me that I was not realistic or practical and that I should be a flight attendant, bus driver, or model. (...?) It made me really sad!
Marriage is downright frightening.
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Postby Isobel » Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:41 am

lol, that's a very strange combination. I hate those tests. You can sorta figure out which careers most of the questions go with, so you can answer it to get a specific result if you want. That can be useful when you have to go to stupid career day and you don't want to be stuck listening to a dentist or something. Not that the other options are any better, but still. I'm glad my high school doesn't do that. One of the few good things about it.
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Postby jessia » Fri Apr 11, 2003 3:26 am

i'm 15, and if i wanna get a master's degree, grown-up-ness is still a WHOLE decade away. crazy guidance counselors.

in ontario, they make you take a half course of careers and a half course of civcs. they're such crappy courses though. careers is supposed to help you in the future and stuff, but all i got was a bad job interview frm the teacher ( i went to the real interview, same job, so different). civics is supposed to be about government, but my class only did current event discussions, or "this day in history" kinda things...
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Postby Isobel » Fri Apr 11, 2003 3:28 am

those sound like some really useful classes :wink:
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Postby AySz88 » Fri Apr 11, 2003 4:10 am

Hmm...I chose Computer Sciences (specifically, Programming) a long time these career things are useless.
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