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TBOD: What I know about The Book of Dust

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Postby jessia » Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:07 am

* It will include a small chapter concerning Lyra and Pantalaimon four years after TAS ends.
Did Pullman actually confirm that? I know that he said it'd be an interesting idea and a good place to begin another story, but I hadn't actually heard that was in his plans for TBD...
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Postby King Ogunwe » Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:18 am

Goodness, i hope it will... but it really should be a whole other book, not just a chapter... thatd be like wanting a huge meal, and getting a saltine!

:x make me angry! :x
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Postby eloquent » Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:10 am

I dunno... It wouldn't be the same. I think a chapter will do me fine. Writing a sequel would make the trilogy a bit pointless (and it wouldn't be a trilogy).
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Postby eloquent » Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:49 pm

Ok then but a sequel to a trilogy that was definitely and deliberately closed forever would be a bit dumb.
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Postby jessia » Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:16 am

the book of dust would be okay, 'cause it's a accompanyment (or whatever the right word is). but stretching out a lyra story or a will story might spoil the series. going back in time, or into another world that lyra and will aren't in during the books, that would be cool.
"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
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Postby Isobel » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:17 am

Yeah, I really don't want a sequel, but I am looking forward to the Book of Dust because I think it will be interesting to hear background information on some of the other characters, and more about the different worlds. And daemons. Definitely a lot about daemons. :)
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Postby eloquent » Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:33 pm

The Book of Dust is not a sequel and was never intended to be one. PP has made it quite clear that there will be no sequel. But an accompaniment to the trilogy (TBOD) is a very good idea as it will answer many of our questions and should be an interesting read for anyone who has read the HDM trilogy.
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Postby random guy » Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:01 am

Is Lyras Oxford a sequell?
why hasn't random guy conquered the universe yet?
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Postby Isobel » Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:02 am

Yes, I think so. I think it's only about Lyra, though, not Will.
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Postby random guy » Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:13 am

then couldnt that be the chapter about LYra 4 years later???
also why 2 new books at once???
why hasn't random guy conquered the universe yet?
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Postby Isobel » Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:48 am

It could be that he's taken the chapter about Lyra four years later and decided to make it into its own book, rather than include it in BoD. Two books will sell more than one book, so that's probably why.
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Postby random guy » Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:11 pm

time will tell...

also when will it come out...
*is too lazy to check*
same about Lyras Oxford.
why hasn't random guy conquered the universe yet?
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Postby secret_pudding » Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:27 pm

I understood from what I read, that "Lyra's Oxford" wiill be IN the "Book of Dust" and that he will write another full-length book after that takes place in the "HDM" world, but with Lyra only as a background character or something.
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Postby Tristan » Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:40 pm

Nope, they're two separate works... LO will be released on October 28th, no word yet on BOD... LO is to serve as the transition between HDM and BOD... see for the latest.
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Postby secret_pudding » Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:36 pm

Ahhhh, thanks for clarifying. the articles I read on the subject were indeed confusing....can't wait for book of Dust. Lyra's Oxford might depress me a bit if it talks too much about Lyra and Will though.

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Postby Tristan » Wed Apr 09, 2003 12:07 am

I wonder how LO will treat Will and Lyra's romance? Surely it'll have to mention it somewhere, unless lyra has completely forgotten about him (wouldn't THAT be terrible...)... I'm concerned it may mess with our heads a bit... I liked the ending of TAS, it felt... final... I'm a little worried about the whole continuation of Lyra's story, although I have faith in PP to pull it off well.
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Postby jessia » Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:34 am

well the birds lyra sees are witch's daemons
"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy

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Postby Daniel » Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:43 am

well, it we only know for sure that one of them is. it might be something like what Sayan-Kotor did in TSK with all the birds...
*sigh* Well, at least you tried.
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Postby secret_pudding » Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:20 pm

I remember after "The Golden Compass" I was so sad that her friend was dead, but then in the next book Lyra had a new story and my mind became preoccupied with her new story.

SO, most probably, we will be preoccupied with a new story and, even if there is a reference to Will and her it won't be dwelt upon so much that we are sad the whole way through. However, I think we can tell by how Pullman writes that he will find away to draw us in, put our old feelings to the background and give us new ones. Life goes on, and so does Lyra's.

But then, contrary to popular opinion: anything is possible. Maybe Will and Lyra meet once before they die, maybe they will move heavan and earth to be together: such are great tales spun sometimes. Just sit back and trust Pullman....he'll bring us something good, whatever form it takes:)
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Postby Tristan » Thu Apr 10, 2003 12:47 am

It's a storm petrel. No Kaisa :(
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