The Republic of Heaven

Who would you like to see cast in the TV series?

Discussion for the adaptations of HDM: Movie (M), Audio (A), Stage Play (SP) and Sega’s videogame (VG).

Who would you like to see cast in the TV series?

Postby TheRealNeo » Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:54 pm

So who would you pick? Who, realistically, do you think BBC will cast? Can be major characters and/or minor characters.
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Re: Who would you like to see cast in the TV series?

Postby Dragon of Heaven » Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:01 am

Unknowns for the kids seems to be the way to go. Certain characters I had a particular view of when I read the books, others I didn’t at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a few Game of Thrones alumni in there. I'd love to see Charles Dance in some major role, like maybe Lord Asriel. I know hes older but when I read HDM what I imagined the temperament and presence of that character to be somewhat akin Tywin Lannister, minus the evilness of course.

Pantalaimon I never imagined with a young voice. I know it makes sense that a childs dæmon would have a childs voice, but I always imagined Pans voice sounding a bit more mature than a child, so I think I’d prefer that for Pan.
I know Mrs Coulter's dæmon rarely spoke but I imagined an Alan Rickman sounding voice for that.

Wasn’t Brian Cox originally cast for Iorek? I’d be down for him doing that voice.
I never pictured Lee Scoresby as someone as old as Sam Elliott or a cowboy stereotype. To me he was Aragorn with a bit of Han Solo roughness.
Balthamos is totally Vision from Avengers Age of Ultron, so Paul Bettany for him.

I wonder would it be too on the nose for Liam Nesson to do the voice for The Authority or Metatron?

On a side note, with the announcement of this new series I reckon Mr Pullman should prepare for the renewal of the question “So how's it going with that there Book of Dust.”
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Re: Who would you like to see cast in the TV series?

Postby TheRealNeo » Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:50 pm

I think unfortunately Charles Dance is way too old for the part. I porbably wouldn't like him to play Lord Asriel.
I remember Kate Winslet was a name that came up when there was speculation about the not happened Sequels. I think she is also a possibility for Mrs Coulter or is she also too old?

What about Martin Freeman? ;)

The TV Show would be also good advertisment for the Book of Dust...
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Re: Who would you like to see cast in the TV series?

Postby marshfire » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:33 pm

Last edited by marshfire on Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who would you like to see cast in the TV series?

Postby TheRealNeo » Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:38 pm

Yeah they will probably go that way and cast an unknown child actor.
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