The Republic of Heaven

Hardback Editions

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Hardback Editions

Postby cjp » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:26 pm

Quick couple of questions for anyone who wants to help me out. I've got some of the original paperbacks (not first edition, mind), but want to invest in a nice set of hardbacks instead.

Is this version still the most recent one, and if so does it come with all the extras? ... 359&sr=1-5

Also, does anyone know if there's anyway to find out if new editions are planned for release? Knowing my luck, new ones will come out as soon as I buy the current ones, so I want to try and stop this from happening!

Finally, does anyone know where Lyra's Oxford can be bought in hardback? I've got the paperback version, but the hardback of OUATITN is just so much better, and I'd really like to have a matching set.
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Re: Hardback Editions

Postby Jaya » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:52 pm

The editions you linked are actually the lantern slide editions, so they include the lantern slide extras.

I'd recommend the tenth anniversary editions, which have extras in such as the ones found here (sorry, we only have the NL extras up so far).

They look something like this.

But...that's not quite it. I have LO in hardback, you can probably buy it on Amazon? Otherwise try Waterstones or something.
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Re: Hardback Editions

Postby Dusty Marcos » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:44 pm

Quick couple of questions for anyone who wants to help me out. I've got some of the original paperbacks (not first edition, mind), but want to invest in a nice set of hardbacks instead.

Is this version still the most recent one, and if so does it come with all the extras? ... 359&sr=1-5

Also, does anyone know if there's anyway to find out if new editions are planned for release? Knowing my luck, new ones will come out as soon as I buy the current ones, so I want to try and stop this from happening!

Finally, does anyone know where Lyra's Oxford can be bought in hardback? I've got the paperback version, but the hardback of OUATITN is just so much better, and I'd really like to have a matching set.
Hi cjp!

I have those hardback editions and they worth every single penny, believe me. Not only they have a special format (more square-ish), thick paper and the dust cover has a nice thick touch. The title of each book is hot-stamped (metalic painting) in the respective color (blue, red and orange). I love those things, my book treasures.
The extras, the lantern slides, in my opinion are more interesting than the extras in the 10th annyversary editions (which I also enjoyed very much), because they are actual additions to the story, by Pullman. Like little hints about moments of the past and the future. No illustrations, just short descriptions, but very valuable since it's new literary material.
Those editions are still available in Book Depository ( ... 1407108537), and the price is amazing considering the benefit (I don't work there, just love the store LOL)
Also, if they planned to release new hardbacks with the new cover set, they would've done it already, in my opinion, I don't know...
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Re: Hardback Editions

Postby tellthemstories » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:41 pm

These definitely have the lantern slides in them then because I've been looking for hardbacks with confirmation of them inside? As for the covers, they are nice but i prefer the originals, not sure why they are just ... right.

So which editions have the lantern slides? I've been meaning to get a new set for years, maybe i might get some for christmas, if I'm lucky, that and the audiobooks
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