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Postby Sicilienne » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:50 pm

Hi - I'm Beth and I found here after recently re-reading the HDM series (and falling in love with them all over again). My other interests include horses, music - more specifically the flute, photography, and of course reading/writing in general.

I read the first book a while back, at least five or maybe six years, when I only just understood all the philosophical content and the importance of it - my original impressions are somewhat hazy now, but I definitely enjoyed reading it beyond anything else I'd read, that much I can remember. It took me a little longer to read the Subtle Knife, since I got a bit of a block on it after attempting it and finding it fairly difficult to get into, so it waited until I was patient enough in my reading skills to give it another shot. I remember not being too impressed, and considering Northern Lights better, but I suppose I've matured in my 'old age' since I now love the whole set rather than just the first. The Amber Spyglass followed soon after; I immediately snaffled it off my mum's bookshelf without her noticing.

My recent reunion with the books came when I spotted the first two with the old style cover art (which I personally prefer) in a charity shop and bought them as my own copies. I'm just about to start TAS now and relive the ending all over again; definitely looking forward to it. :)
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Re: Hello!

Postby bee » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:47 pm

Hello Beth! Welcome!

I just finished rereading the series also and fell in love again. I love that every time I read it, I get something new out of it. And that it's amazing every time.

Is this the cover set you got? I love that set and really want one of my own, but I don't know if I can justify owning ANOTHER copy of these books (I own several aready!).

We're almost done, but you should join us for our chapter-by-chapter discussion of Amber Spyglass. We're teamed up with Mark Reads and he's absurdly entertaining to read alongside the books! :)
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Re: Hello!

Postby cjp » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:31 am

Hi Beth, welcome from another relative newbie!

I had a similar experience with The Subtle Knife; originally (about 9 years ago!) I started it and gave up, and it took me another 3 years to try again, and this time go straight through to the end of TAS as well. For me those two books are really one long one, more so than from NL to TSK.

It's strange, because having just caught up to the 'Mark Reads' pace (as bee says, you should check his reviews out, they're such an awesome companion to reading the series; but the end is very nigh, and much sadness is to come), and having reread all 3 books for the first time, I'd forgotten just how totally badass TSK is. It might now be my favourite.

Oh, and I so need a set of hardbacks, but I know as soon as I buy them, a new, fancier set will come out.
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Re: Hello!

Postby Night-san » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:40 pm

Welcome! c:

I was the exact same way before I finished the series. I absolutely adored Northern Lights, but couldn't seem to finish The Subtle Knife. However, it was well worth it when I finished, as The Amber Spyglass was at least as good as book one.

Sadly, I don't own any of the books myself in physical form. D: I do have NL on my Kindle, but it's just not the same.

That's pretty neat that you play the flute; I can't seem to get much noise out of the damn things. I do play the alto saxophone for (my high school's) concert band, though.
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Re: Hello!

Postby Sicilienne » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:47 pm

Is this the cover set you got? I love that set and really want one of my own, but I don't know if I can justify owning ANOTHER copy of these books (I own several aready!).
Not for the whole set, but I do have that one for NL - I'd love to get the other two in the same edition, maybe someday I'll be able to justify it, too! The one I'm talking about for my ones is this, except in English - I wouldn't know if it's the 'original' cover art as such, but it's the first one I remember at least.

I've just had a look at Mark Reads's site, thanks for the link - I'm actually in about roughly the same place, so guaranteed I'll be keeping an eye on the threads and the like from now on.

It's good to know it's not just me who had problems (at first) with TSK, I felt a bit put out at the time but once I got through it it was definitely worth it. My brother also had a problem with it since he still hasn't got past NL, I've been trying to persuade him to give TSK a go again but he's got - as seems to be common - a bit of a mental block against it, like I did, but hopefully he'll get there.

Yeah, flute's a funny one - then again, I personally can't get a decent sounding note out of a sax, so there you go!
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Re: Hello!

Postby bethanwy » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:59 pm

Welcome to the forum! :)
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