The Republic of Heaven

Did Lyra and Will ever...

Discuss the concluding book of the trilogy

Do you think Will and Lyra had sex?

I'm not sure yet
It really doesn't matter
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Re: Did Lyra and Will ever...

Postby Bellerophon » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:14 am

I agree with the two posters above, but the premise of the debate seems to have changed from what the characters did to what they should have done. Is that where we want to go?

I doubt many of us would be pleased if our children had sex at twelve. Regardless, we should consider the probability that society evolves much more rapidly than biology. When it comes to risk management, I dare suggest that raging hormones can put kids a bit behind the times . . .
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Re: Did Lyra and Will ever...

Postby Melancholy Man » Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:31 am

Just to return to the topic, I certainly do think that they had sex was implied... and I was repulsed!

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Re: Did Lyra and Will ever...

Postby Angel to follow » Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:36 pm

It's really strange that when I first read the book and I was about their age I thought they did but now at 21 I think its way too young.
I don't think PP intended to convey a sexual relationship but that his intention was to portray a more innocent intimacy. He intended to show their loss of innocence but isn't just the awareness of sexuality enough to mark the passage between child and adult?
You can definately read sex between the lines if you so desire but that's not what the passages are meaning to suggest.

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Re: Did Lyra and Will ever...

Postby Valrad » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:18 am

I don't think they did. They were both struck suddenly by love and I'm not sure their mind focused on other aspects of it. Also, imagine how weird it would be for Lyra to find out she's pregnant or something.
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Re: Did Lyra and Will ever...

Postby Imagine » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:03 am

If you read the British version of the book (the American version was pruned for Puritanical reasons), there is little doubt that they did it. If you read the FAQ on Pullman's website or watch his interview on YouTube, there's even no question that they did have sex.
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