The Republic of Heaven

NEWS: Mark Reads TAS Week 3 & August Contest!

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NEWS: Mark Reads TAS Week 3 & August Contest!

Postby BTTS News » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:17 pm

It's Week 3 of Mark Reads The Amber Spyglass (with BTTS)! This week Mark will be reading Chapters 11-15 of the third instalment of our favourite trilogy.

Over at our weekly forum thread we'll be talking more about the nature of the knife, and its origins. Come and join us! Also, be sure to check out this week's lovely banner (above), and click it to see the image it's taken from! We promise you it's worth it!

It’s also the start of August, and that means it’s time to announce our August Contest! We’re giving away a signed copy of the latest UK edition of The Amber Spyglass to one lucky winner.

You may have noticed we’ve been creating weekly banners for Mark Reads The Amber Spyglass, and they’ve been cut from larger images (we hope you’ve been paying attention!). For this contest, we’re asking you to find the changing anagram in each of the first four images, work them out and string them together!

If you need some help, you can check out our Mark Reads gallery which has the new banner and image uploaded to it each week. We realise you’ll have to wait another week to find the fourth anagram, but start looking! Be prepared! Send your entry in to us at, with the subject line “August Contest” by 11:59pm GMT on the 21st of August. This contest is open to everyone. Good luck!

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