Anyway. Hi, I´m Multiverse. I´m a boy aged fifteen, and I live in Denmark. Being much of a book-person, I was vaguely interested in these books to begin with, but not so much that I´d go out of my way to get any of them. Then, when I saw a friend of mine reading Northern Ligths (in Danish, that is) at school, I decided to ask her about it, and she mentioned it´d be just my kind of book, and that there was a lot of stuff in it that´d interest me. Needless to say, she was more than right.

She offered me to borrow the book when she´d finished it, but we never got 'round to it. A month or so later, I was going on a three-week-vacation to England and Scotland, and having one day to spend in Oxford anyway, I decided to pick up the whole series in paperback, to see what they´re worth. While I was there, I also picked up a hardback Once Upon A Time In The North and a paperback Lyra´s Oxford (because seriously, where else could I possibly get them? Small, additional books like that doesn´t get translated to as small a language as Danish).
My favourite authors include, but occasionally aren´t restricted to, Terry Pratchett, Lemony Snicket, Eoin Colfer, Linda Buckley-Archer, Douglas Adams and of course, Philip Pullman.