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Postby Valrad » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:05 am

Anyone here who heard of it? For those who didn't, Mistborn is a fantasy trilogy written by Brandon Sanderson. Now, I haven't read book 2 and 3(silly me), but the first one, The Final Empire, has delighted me so much that it ended up as my favorite book. The book is aimed for a more mature public(everyone can read it, although it's a bit psychological at times, which was great for me) and is sure to captivate you. The magic system is based on metals and it is called Allomancy. More to come if you read the book, of course. The character development is definitely a strong part of Brandon's writing, and unlike Elantris(his first published book), the protagonist in Mistborn is more natural and closer to resembling a real life person.
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