The Republic of Heaven

New Forum Style

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New Forum Style

Postby Anoria » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:35 am

You may have noticed things looking a bit different around here.

The administrative staff of BTTS are proud to present our new forum theme. In an effort to show off its convenience, class, and all-around shininess, we're making it the only available theme for a little while. The Subsilver theme that many of you know and love will be making its return in about a week, after everyone has had time to try out the new look and see whether it suits them. We hope you like it!

Additionally, we would like to introduce the BTTS News forum, located just below this one on the index page. Here you can find all of the news we post on our front page: perfect for those whose bookmark goes straight to the forums!

As always, please notify a staff member (or make a thread in the problems/suggestions forum) if you have any questions or comments.

Happy forum-ing!
Hey baby, what's your callsign?

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