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His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

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His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby KataraRox » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:13 am

I've had this idea for quite some time, and I needed somewhere to talk about it! What are your thoughts on an HDM Manga novel (similiar to those made for Twilight) or simply a Manga comic book? I personally think this is quite a brilliant idea (if I do say so myself :D). If based on the film (as in, with the Manga characters drawn to look like the actors) it would be a brilliant way to actually finish the story, but with the superb effects of Manga artwork. Even if it wasn't based on the film, it would be a new, creative story to add to the millions of other Manga books out there. Also, many Manga lovers who may not have heard of the story before could indulge themselves in Lyra's fantastic world. Just imagining all of the great aspects of Lyra's world (daemons, witches, Dust, airships) coming to life in a full-colour Manga novel is quite cool (at least to me, that is)! And if it was based on the film, people could see the ending New Line chose to cut! :cry: Sure, it wouldn't be in a film, but you have admit it would be brilliant!What I'd like to see in it:
-based on the film, but much truer to the book
- all parts taken from the film in the proper order!
- more Jordan and London parts
- a combination of book and film when it comes to how Lyra discovers Mrs. Coulter is head of the GOB. (she's at the cocktail party in her Marisa's flat, and gets bored so she and Pan explore her office *you know the rest*)
- it should keep the part when Mrs. Coulter tells Lyra she's her mum. That's one of the few changes I like.
- it should keep the book ending!
- and the part with Marisa slapping her daemon

What wouldbyou like to see in it? Can't wait for your thoughts, and thank you for reading! :)
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby BenMech » Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:26 pm

I say do it, but don't aim for selling it commercially, until you speak to the publishers.
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby KataraRox » Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:41 am

Oh, I didn't mean that I was going to make (don't have the skill for that!). I'm just saying it would be quite cool if there was one. Thanks for the reply, though! :)
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby BenMech » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:54 am

If YOU weren't going to do it, why make the thread and waste our time?
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby AlexSP » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:59 am

it's just fun speculation on what would/could be in it. you *do* understand that concept, right? same way as any discussion on a more HDM-verse publications by pullman, or a TSK movie. are you going to go and bust that thread as well, with "IF YOU GUYS AREN'T GOING TO MAKE IT, WHY WASTE OUR TIME?". yeesh.
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby KataraRox » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:04 am

Haha, AlexSP! That's what I was thinking too! A lot of people post this kind of thing. :)
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby BenMech » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:23 pm

it's just fun speculation on what would/could be in it. you *do* understand that concept, right? same way as any discussion on a more HDM-verse publications by pullman, or a TSK movie. are you going to go and bust that thread as well, with "IF YOU GUYS AREN'T GOING TO MAKE IT, WHY WASTE OUR TIME?". yeesh.
Idle Passive Speculation doesn't help anything.

I think it's a great idea. I wouldn't do it because it requires an expertise for drawing.

If the orignal poster was asking for help bankrolling his/her venture, then Yay. Continue! It just seemed like the post was navelgazing passiveness.
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby kaoshoneybun » Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:51 pm

Damn it - I had started making a kind of manga graphic novel of the first chapter of Northern Lights but never finished inking it - if I re-find it, I'll post it.

Any other arty sraffies about who'd like to collaborate on a project like this??
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby KataraRox » Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:37 pm

Brilliant! So I'm not the only one who's thought of this! I'd be happy to give you ideas (although as you know, I'm not the most cracking artist in the world) :D
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby kaoshoneybun » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:20 am

You could always try asking over at the Deviant Art Philip Pullman club - artists interested in Pullman gather there and they have an awesome fan art collection
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby KataraRox » Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:49 pm

Thanks! :D And yeah, I like deviantart, it's got some very brilliant artwork! This is mainly just a speculation, but if I ever do decide to go through with this (I'd have to work on my drawing skills first :) ) Then, that would be quite helpful! Thanks again! :D
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby KataraRox » Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:54 pm

Damn it - I had started making a kind of manga graphic novel of the first chapter of Northern Lights but never finished inking it - if I re-find it, I'll post it.
Also, it'd be brill to see what you've come up with, hope you find it soon! :)
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Re: His Dark Materials Manga novel: What are your thoughts?

Postby Multiverse » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:46 pm

Of course, I´d love to see any well-executed Graphic Novelization of HDM. I don´t see why it´d neccessarily have to be Manga, but though that isn´t my favourite kind of comics, I´d certainly buy it if the characters isn´t messed up look-wise, and the story isn´t messed up script-wise.

I also agree that it´d be a nice way to conclude what the movie started without making a great fuss of it amongst the churches. =)

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