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Final Fantasy 13

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Final Fantasy 13

Postby Darragh » Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:41 pm

I got this when it was released and I'm about 10 hours in to what so far has been an entirely linear game.

-No towns/shops
-No leveling
-You control one character in a party with a max size of 3 (If main char dies it's game over)

Now that's a pretty big deal I guess for FF vets. The first few hours I was essentially just pressing X to win and I became a bit worried but although they took out a lot of depth they did add some in in other ways. You switch classes (Commander, Ravanger, Medic etc.) during fights to adapt to situations/exploit weaknesses which really keeps you involved although once you nail an enemies tactic it becomes a bit boring. I actually kinda like this system because even the trash fights become engaging. Each fight is ranked out of 5 stars.

The story is ok so far. Nothing brilliant but certainly more to the point than 12 from the off. No faffing about.

The visuals are outstanding (PS3 version). The characters have hair, nice of hair to join next gen finally. The voice acting is the best in a FF (still crap). The music doesn't really have any stand out tracks so far but the battle theme is good so that helps.

The shift from explore mode to battle mode is so fast. It's really exceptional.

So far I think it's a bit dissapointing but I read in the Edge review (5) that after the first 25 hours the games gets really good and old school FF so I'll keep playing for that and the epic cutscenes.
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Re: Final Fantasy 13

Postby Soapy » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:36 am

Keep forgetting i can venture in here now that I actually play video games again.

I'm about 35 hours in to FF13. It's good. I like the battle system - I'm not that much of a fan of turn taking so I prefer the more fast-paced system of 13 and 12 to the earlier ones.

The storyline is just meh. I've never been that interested in story lines, just killing big pretty things with magic.

The characters are far less irritating than previous ones - except for Vanille. But at least Lightning (who I consider to be the main ch) is cool, unlike... for example Vaan and Tidus (both of whom needed a big slap)

I like that you have to change paradigms in the battle instead of having access to all your skills throughout. It means you always have to pay attention unlike in 12 where you could literally read a book and not die by the end. It also means that getting through the battle is less about JUST winning it and more about winning it efficiently - I like to beat the expected times for each battle.

The only thing that is really daft is that when you battle Eidolins (sp?) it gives you an expected time of about 25 minutes - how stupid is that when you have a counter over your head that last about 3 minutes? If you don't beat them in that time you die so it is literally impossible for the battle to last the expected time.

Having said all that, I'm not sure it's quite lived up to my expectations.
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Re: Final Fantasy 13

Postby Darragh » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:08 pm

I'm at the part where you can go back and do the optional stuff (just missions it seems) before the final boss battle.

I don't really like the battle system (yes the game changed my opinion that much since starting it). It's basically auto battle. The only thing you really "control" is what paradigm you are in. It's not very deep. Only the tough boss battles and summon battles make you think. Sure you can manually control your character but you are punished for doing so because you don't get enough time.

The game opens up at the start of chapter 11 which is easily the best chapter but then just when you think it's getting great you go back to linear paths for Chapter 12 & 13. Lame.

It's an ok game I guess but it could have been so much better.

/me hugs Soapy for playing vidyagames
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Re: Final Fantasy 13

Postby Soapy » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:20 am

I'm at the part where you can go back and do the optional stuff (just missions it seems) before the final boss battle.

I don't really like the battle system (yes the game changed my opinion that much since starting it). It's basically auto battle. The only thing you really "control" is what paradigm you are in. It's not very deep. Only the tough boss battles and summon battles make you think. Sure you can manually control your character but you are punished for doing so because you don't get enough time.

The game opens up at the start of chapter 11 which is easily the best chapter but then just when you think it's getting great you go back to linear paths for Chapter 12 & 13. Lame.

It's an ok game I guess but it could have been so much better.

/me hugs Soapy for playing vidyagames
You've *finished* it? I haven't played it for, like, 2 weeks!

Damn work :(
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