The Republic of Heaven

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Re: Things you may have missed

Postby kaoshoneybun » Thu May 07, 2009 5:47 am

I should hope so because that was one of the worst holes for Dust to leak out, along with the one to the Abyss that the Church's bomb created.
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Re: Things you may have missed

Postby xFaiiryTaLex » Fri May 08, 2009 2:04 pm

yes, they'll close it
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Re: Things you may have missed

Postby AUST » Sun May 10, 2009 10:19 am

I believe that Will and Mary would be able to see their own dæmons but no one else would be able to. I don't remember if it was Xaphania or Seraphina that told them that.
I received the impression that Will's dæmon would remain material. But since he is a "witch" in many ways, according to Serafina, he would be able to separate from her and go to school and do other normal things without a cat tagging along. Happily, Kirjava doesn't have conspicuous form anyway.

I think that Serafina told Mary she would be able to see her dæmon if she looked for him the right way, but he didn't actually materialize.
Yeah, Wills has been dragged from his body and thus she will be visable, but of course as a witch they can seperate and still be connected. Mary has to use the 'half-vision' to be able to see her daemon, but can't communicate with it and it won't be material. Its still essentally inside her.

As a random point; couldn't Will use Kirjava to cheat in exams, if they can still communicate over long distances she could simply read the answers to an exam or whatever and replay them back to him (might take some forethought though...)
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Re: Things you may have missed

Postby MojaveByrd » Mon May 11, 2009 3:23 am

As a random point; couldn't Will use Kirjava to cheat in exams, if they can still communicate over long distances she could simply read the answers to an exam or whatever and replay them back to him (might take some forethought though...)[/quote][/quote]

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Re: Things you may have missed

Postby Somewhat » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:09 pm

Heh, that's E's father, isn't it? How curious. :)
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