i think its time america stepped in and deprived israel of their military equipment. or use airstrikes against their runways to stop them launching planes.
Come on, if America, who is struggling to support itself, tired to take action, then all sorts of chaos would break out, depriving them of their military equipment wont stop terrorists! Do you think that they are supplied by the army? Taking away military equipment would just mean that you would anger the country and make it so that they couldn't take appropriate action to STOP these things from happening. "Stepping in" would do no good whatsoever.
i think we are thinking on different terms.
i remember seeing a broadcast by the Israeli prime minister saying he had ordered the bombings. if america 'liberates' them of any american tech, it would cripple the israeli operation, and if gaza attack them back, i say they have it coming because if i recall correctly, a couple years ago, a cease-fire was called between the two nations.
and if 'stepping in would do no good whatsoever', then as i said, cripple their airbases-destroy the runways. that way, minimal casualties, operation would be crippled and if gaza attacks back then israel still has military equipment to defend itself-maybe not fighter jets but ground troops and tanks.
i'd like to know whose idea it was to put a jewish state in the middle of a load of islamic ones.