The Republic of Heaven

Favorite Chapters of HDM

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Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby WBA_premiership » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:19 pm

My top 3 are:

1. The Idea of North, Golden Compass
This chapter grabbed my attention with the nysterious talk without revealing too much. It grabbed me and the book never let go.

2. The Bridge to the Stars, Golden Compass
Fantastic way to end the classic Golden Compass

3. Over the Hills and Far away, Amber Spyglass
Lovely chapter where everything that everyone one on Asriel's side comes into fruitation.
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby Pausert » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:01 am

1.) Alamo Gulch, The Subtle Knife
This chapter was, I think, more emotional than the ending. One of my favorite characters meets his cruel demise.

2.)John Faa, The Golden Compass
I think it captures the the feeling of the first book well. I also love the planning, it gives forward motion to the book.

3.)I'm between The Intention Craft, The Amber Spyglass and The Decanter of Tokay, The Golden Compass.
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby eclipse » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:09 am

In chronological order:

1) The Armor, The Golden Compass.. "A bear's armor is his soul, just as your dæmon is your soul."

2) Alamo Gulch, The Subtle Knife.. I agree with Pausert, it was the ultimate sacrifice, for the love he had for Lyra

4) The Dunes, The Amber Spyglass.. It is the final explanation of how your true self, your soul is defined by the most intense (pure and inocent) moment
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby WBA_premiership » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:53 am

o yes I should have out aloamo gulch up there. I guess it's #4
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby AUST » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:00 pm

1) Almo Gauch, The subtle knife-incredably emotional...supurb

2) The Bridge to the Stars, Northern Lights-the imagry is supurb, as is the emotion, it rounds off book 1 supurbly.

3) John Faa, Northern Lights-Supurb peice of discirpitve writing.
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby shady » Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:15 pm

Alamo Gulch-the best chapter ever
Lyra`s Jordan-i enjoy so much reading this chapter
Mortal Combat-brutal 8)
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby Stelmaria7 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:36 am

"The Decanter of Tokay"-The Golden Compass because it was the start of a fantastic series and I love the way it pulls you in.
" The daemon Cages" and "The Silver Giotene"-The Golden Compass. I love the whole suspense part and I really thought Lyra and Pan were going to get cut.
"Alamo Gulch"- The Subtle Knife. superb imagery and extreamly sad scene of Lee and Hester.
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Re: Favorite Chapters of HDM

Postby Serenula » Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:12 am

1) Alamo Gulch (TSK) - so sad and yet so beautiful.
2) Screen Language (TSK) - I like it when she talks about three halves and says that it was as hard as making three halves into a whole. As well as when we finally get to see what Dust says.
3) The Enchanted Sleeper (TAS) - the first paragraph is so beautiful that I can see the valley and it just grabs me in and doesn't let me go.

Whoa, just realized that even though TSK is my least favorite book in the trilogy my two favorite chapters are in it. :o
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