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What was the first game you ever played?

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What was the first game you ever played?

Postby *PrincessPeach* » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:38 pm

for me, the first ever game i ever played was Commander Keen, when i was 6. woo! i spent half my childhood zapping yorps, yay!
not really suitable for a child of that age.. but the next games that i first played were Doom and Wolfenstein. who would of thunk that a 7 year old girl could have so much fun shooting hitler's guts out? :lol:
the first consoles i had were a megadrive, NES and gameboy- all handed down from my three brothers. only time they've come in handy!
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Postby Anoria » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:06 am

The first game I remember playing for long periods of time was Commander Keen too :) Except I started on Goodbye Galaxy, and it took me until I was old enough to go searching online for old games to find the earlier episodes.

Gorillas and Nibbles, which had to be run from within QBasic, were also family favorites when I was very little. Nibbles was the first Snake-style game I ever played.

Before my dad's IBM 386 was anything other than a work machine, we had a Commodore 64 and a TI-99/4A (yes I had to wiki that, I just knew it as the computer with the game cartridges), upon which we played such classics as JumpMan, Burgertime, and Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom.

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Postby Gabe » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:17 am

I'll third the Commander Keen (though technically I started with old QBasic games, Commander Keen was the game that actually got me hooked) Dawn, I started with 4 and 5. I didn't actually play many games after that for a while (got banned from computer games due to excessive Commander Keen obsession). Got back into games by playing some Lucasarts demos when I was about 12. Most memorable would be Dark Forces and Jedi Knight. Then I got back around to doing some retro gaming and I caught up on Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, ect. Although if I recall, the first M rated game I played was Unreal Tournament...I remember because I'd been treading carefully before that, then I played UT and was blown away. After that I said screw the rating. :P
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Postby animejunkie » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:09 am

The Legend of Zelda, when I first played when I was six, I was mesmerized and that game instilled within me, a love for video games which comtinues today!!
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Postby Darragh » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:21 pm

Can't remember the first game i played but the first one i bought was probably The Munsters on a Commodore 64. That was mid-late 80's so I was around 5 or 6. It was rubbish.
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Postby kezmondo » Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:12 am

Super Mario World on the SNES.
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Postby Riali » Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:16 am

Super Mario World on the SNES.
oy, I feel old. I remember being wowed by the concept of Duck Hunt.

My first one was Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood, on an Amiga. I must have been less than four, because I remember it had a lot of reading, and I sometimes had to ask for help.
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Postby Chris80 » Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:00 am

I had an Intellivision set - not sure if any of you have heard of that. Perhaps I'm dating myself here, because it came out in the early 80's. I remember playing various games, like Snafu, Baseball, Football, and various others on Intellivision when I was a young child in the early to mid 80s.

When I was 9, in 1989, I got NES and played Super Mario Brothers religiously.
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Re: What was the first game you ever played?

Postby intotheworld » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:27 am

I'm thinking that it was Mortal Kombat on SEGA Genesis.
If you're wondering how old I was, probably about four or five (I'm 100% sure I played it by the time I was 7 years old).
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Re: What was the first game you ever played?

Postby Trystobefunny » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:33 am

Super Mario Bros. For Original Nintendo. Ether that or Sonic the hedgehog for Saga genesis.
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Re: What was the first game you ever played?

Postby Will's.Lost.Fingers » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:37 am

Super Mario for NES is my first too. :)
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Re: What was the first game you ever played?

Postby krebbe » Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:55 pm

Super Mario/Duck Hunt with the NES light gun.

Hours of fun with the gun pressed against the TV screen.
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Re: What was the first game you ever played?

Postby Trystobefunny » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:32 pm

Oh my god! I forgot about duck hunt. Remember the dog that would laugh at you if you missed. I wanted to shoot that dog. Will teach him to laugh at me......
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Re: What was the first game you ever played?

Postby Happy » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:27 am

Super Mario/duckhunt

I was very crap a it, but I was only 4 or 5 if I remember..

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