The Republic of Heaven

Movie Section Added to bookcollection

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Movie Section Added to bookcollection

Postby Tristan » Fri Jan 03, 2003 1:14 am

Hello Hello,
I just set up a movie section for my HDM site, please check it out! The Book Collection

- Rebkos

(Reposted by Merlyn)
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Postby AySz88 » Fri Jan 03, 2003 2:47 am

There's no "move thread" button for admins? :(

I think that the rumors section could use a few more false rumors, especially the common ones like Lyra being a boy and all.
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Postby Tristan » Fri Jan 03, 2003 3:07 am

sadly there is no move button for admins, at least not that I can find (and I have looked, but I might have missed it). Agreed about rumors section.
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Postby rebkos » Fri Jan 03, 2003 8:17 pm

Hahaha :)
But can't you just picture Elvis in the world of the dead singing "We gotta get out of this place" heh heh heh

Postby Tristan » Fri Jan 03, 2003 9:59 pm

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Postby Nix » Fri Jan 03, 2003 10:41 pm

The hell you on about?
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Postby Justine » Fri Jan 03, 2003 11:22 pm

hehe. I was thinking that too.
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Postby rebkos » Mon Jan 06, 2003 8:19 pm

Okay, I added some more bizzar rumors just for you Aysz

Postby AySz88 » Mon Jan 06, 2003 9:46 pm

Philip Pullman wants nothing to do with the film. Unknown

BTW, that's TRUE. ... ef6c70e/27
Will there be a movie of HDM? I haven't the faintest idea. I shan't have anything to do with it if there is; "take the money and run" are the wisest words of advice ever spoken on the subject of writers and films. Casting: I like the idea of Nicole Kidman as Mrs Coulter, myself, and the voice of James Earl Jones as Iorek Byrnison.

Is that page supposed to be real rumors or a joke page? :?
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Postby rebkos » Mon Jan 06, 2003 9:50 pm

Hmm... he says that, but if you were the author of a book series and they were making it into a movie, wouldn't you be on set jumping up and down saying this and that is wrong?

Postby Tristan » Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:01 pm

You might be, but I'll take Pullman at his word that he wants nothing to do with the film.
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Postby rebkos » Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:28 pm

yah, but still, even if he doesn't want it, people will be calling him, e-mailing him, writing him, fans will be knocking down his door, trying to get info about it, he might simply get dragged into helping

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