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What were the 10 most...

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What were the 10 most...

Postby Jamie » Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:19 pm

...important games for you growing up?

I've been thinking it through and, in no particular order;

1. Tekken 3
2. Gran Turismo 3: A-spec
3. Mortal Kombat 2
4. Pokémon Red
5. Twisted Metal 2
6. Mario Kart 64
7. Sonic 3 (& Knuckles)
8. Goldeneye
9. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
10. Grand Theft Auto 3

From the mega-drive to the PS2 for me

edit: can't believe I forgot GTA :P
Last edited by Jamie on Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Darragh » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:32 pm

1. Monkey Island 2
2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
3. Super Street Fighter 2
4. Grim Fandango
5. Panzer dragoon Saga
6. Nights into Dreams
7. Ocarina of Time
8. Half-life
9. Deus Ex
10. Max Payne 2

(could also incude Populous 2, Megalomania, Wing Commander, Doom 2, GTA 3, Civilization, Grand Prix 2....seriously i could write names forever)

That's Amiga, Mega Drive, P.C, Saturn and N64.
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Postby Lyra&Pan » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:38 pm

1.The Sims 2
2.Pokemon Silver
3.Taken 3
4.Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
5.Simcity 4
6.The Sims
7.Pokemon Crystal
8.Pokemon Ruby
9.Pokemon Emerald
10.Pokemon Green

(Wow, lots of Pokemon :lol: )
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Postby Mr Anderson » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:52 pm

1. Dark Forces
2. Tie Fighter
3. Starcraft
4. X-Wing
5. C&C: Red Alert
6. Unreal Tournament
7. Battlefield 1942
8. Shogun: Total War
9. Diablo II
10. Streets of Rage (SEGA Drive)

This isn't fair, we should be allowed at least 15 ...

(Civ II, Links Awakening, Half-life, Call of Duty, Rome: Total War)
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Postby brynjarbjorn » Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:58 am

1. Dark Forces
2. Warcraft 2
3. Mario Bros 3
4. Starcraft
5. Command & Conquer
6. Zelda
7. Diablo II
8. Worms (great game!)
9. Doom II
10. Megaman 3
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Postby Riali » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:26 am

ok, im not actually a "gamer"... hand-eye coordination just isnt my thing... But there are several games that I enjoyed as a kid and teenager anyhow.. very roughly chronologically...

1. Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (on our old Amiga, as a very little kid)
1. Mario Bros. (sadly, I am old enough to have spent a lot of time playing the oringinal, on an original Nintendo)
2. Defender of the Crown (on the Amiga again)
3. Sonic 2, the Game gear editon
4. Gex (whoo hoo, my brother got a PS1 and we felt very technologically advanced)
5. Wild Arms (Loved this)
6. Sim City (again, the Original)
7. Age of Empires
8. The Sims (because who doesnt like to play God)
9. Harvest Moon (on PS1.. possibly the most preposterous game ever, but somehow very satisfying)
10. The Sims 2...(my current addiction)
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Postby Lyra&Pan » Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:59 am

Woohoo!! At last, someone else who plays The Sims2!!!!!
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Postby Jez » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:59 pm

1. Spyro 2 (this was the first console game I ever bought)
2. Final Fantasy VII (:love:)
3. Ico
4. Oddworld: Abe's Exodus
5. The Sims
6. Pac-Man (classic!)
7. Tekken 3
8. Crash Team Racing (this was the multiplayer game I played most often with my friends)
9. Sim City
10. and... Solitaire (hey, it's been around since the first time I used a computer, always there in case of extreme boredom. That's loyalty. :P)
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Postby Diolmhain » Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:55 pm

1.Ocarina of Time(i cried for 10 minutes when i finished it)
2.Mario 64
3.Yoshi's Story
6.Civ III
7.Mario Kart 64
8.Spyro II gateway to glimmer :oops:
9.Pokemon Red
10.Tomb Raider
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Postby brynjarbjorn » Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:35 pm

1. Mario Bros. (sadly, I am old enough to have spent a lot of time playing the oringinal, on an original Nintendo)
Mario Bros was awesome, though :D
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Postby Jaya » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:41 pm

No particular order, therefore no numbers.

Tekken 2
Spyro the Dragon
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Crash Team Racing
Prince of Persia (original PC game...but the newer PS2(?) version was good too)
Gran Turismo (PC)
Jazz Jackrabbit (FLOPPYDISK YEAH)

Uh...and can't forget the classic PC games I had (which I've been reacquainted with <3)...Pipe Dream, Chip's Challenge, Pacman, Tetravex...most importantly TETRIS.

EDIT: Ooh, Sonic on SEGA.
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Postby Jamie » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:13 am

Tekken 2
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Crash Team Racin
7. Tekken 3
8. Crash Team Racing (this was the multiplayer game I played most often with my friends)
Tekken + Crash ftw!

The good old Sony days =)

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Postby brynjarbjorn » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:18 am

Crash Bandicoot 3 was great fun, one of the first games I played on Playstation.
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Postby Ian » Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:58 am

In absolutely no order.

1. N64 Goldeneye
2. SNES Donkey Kong Country
3. PC Hitman 2
4. PC Championship Manager 3
5. PC Championship Manager 00/01
6. Xbox Halo
7. N64 Mariokart
8. PC Railroad Tycoon
9. PC Rollercoaster Tycoon
10. The Sims

If I were to add games to my old age I'd include Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Kart for the Gamebody DS.

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Postby Leif » Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:03 am

Not necessarily growing up, j

1. Super Mario 64
2. Halo 2
3. Starcraft
4. Halo CE
5. Diddy Kong Racing
6. Chip's Challenge (hells yeah!)
7. Oregon Trail
8. Runescape (sorry)
9. Ski Free
10. Topsin

(it's a toss up between the first three)
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Postby Riali » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:14 am

6. Chip's Challenge (hells yeah!)
This is a recent discovery of mine too. Absolutely genius!
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Postby Qu Klaani » Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:23 pm

AGain with the lack of order, as it would make this even harder.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Jedi Knight
Ocarina of time
Perfect Dark
Super Smash Brothers
Operation Flashpoint
Half life
Max payne
Rollercoaster Tycoon

Actually they basically did come to mind in order of importance. I kept it to stuff before I was 16, seems about right for "growing up."
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Postby Rocket94 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:22 am

these are in no order.

1. Zelda Ocarina of time.
2.Perfect Dark.
3.The Godfather Blackhand Edition.
4.Destroy All Humans 2.
5.Zelda Twilight Princess.
6.Just Cause.
7.Spyro Gateway to Glimmer :oops:
8.24 The Game.
9.Wario Ware Smooth Moves.
10.Worms Open Warfare.
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Postby ~Lirael » Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:57 pm

these are in no order.
7.Spyro Gateway to Glimmer :oops:
Don't be ashamed! Here's why:

1. Spyro: Year of the Dragon.
2. Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer
3. Pokemon Crystal
4. Spyro 1

I was somewhat of a Spyro fan. Why did I not pick up Final Fantasy sooner? Now, when I was even younger, these were what I played.

5. Sims: along with Holiday, Hot Date and Unleashed.
6. Lego Island I
7. The Animals of Farthing Wood
8. Muppet Treasure Island (3 disks :shock:)
9. Catz 2, 3, 4 and 5.
10. Well...erm...*thinks* It's hard to place a final one since no other game comes to mind as important when I was a kid. Maybe 102 Dalmatians, since I played it on both PS1 and then GBC. >_<
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Postby Lelouch » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:24 pm

Pokemon Diamond.
Final Fantasy VII
Kingdom Hearts I
Kingdom Hearts II
Guild Wars
Pokemon Battle Revolution (First Game I got for my wii)
Halo 2
Star Fox 64
Banjo Kazooie
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