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Philip Pullman and the Warming Globe

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Philip Pullman and the Warming Globe

Postby Max » Mon May 08, 2006 4:28 pm

Anyone see this yesterday:
Pullman's pull

Climate change really is a very sexy subject. Final proof of this comes not from the various politicians and rock stars queuing up to tell us about it, but from the fact that some of the country's trendiest authors, including Philip Pullman and Caryl Churchill, are joining the cause. 'The idea is to put climate change at the heart of our culture,' says a source at the Royal Court Theatre, which is hosting a discussion evening on the subject this Thursday. 'If Philip, for example, were to write something about it for kids, that would be far more valuable than repeated front pages of the Independent.'
I wonder what he'd come up with... I always thought the deterioration of the worlds due to Dust disappearing in HDM was to at least some extent an allegory for global warming.
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Postby Angel to follow » Thu May 11, 2006 10:19 am

I read it yeah, I don't know about sexy.

In TAS there is alot about global warming, although its not called that.Remember the bears moving into the mountains?

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Postby Tankian » Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:24 pm

Oh yeah that's right. And in TSK Will & Lyra directly say the weather is getting hotter because of global warming. I think it's great that Mr. Pullman is involved in this cause because it is so important. It is the single most important issue in the world right now and I'm trying to do everything I can to fight climate change too. Although, Mr. Pullman has said he thinks we should switch to nuclear power immediately. But nuclear power won't lower greenhouse gas emissions, it produces harmful toxic waste and is very dangerous.
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Postby jessia » Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:20 pm

there was something that was created at a matter of a few hundred years ago - it might've been the subtle knife - associated with the degradation of the worlds that i associated with the industrial revolution (pollution-wise).
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Postby Ursae Majoris » Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:23 pm

Nuclear power, is not horribly dangerous when used properly, right now they're working on the world's first fusion reactor in France which supposidly will produce much less waste than fission. I think it was also supposed to be safer as well. But nuclear power is much better than what were doing right now, currently nuclear waste can be recycled with a 99% efficiency.

Also it's never been proven that humans are the cause of global warming, these things do happen naturally. Whether we are the cause or not, we're certainly not helping the situation at all.
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Postby Tankian » Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:10 pm

Btw, the state of California has passed the Global Warming Solutions Bill (Act AB 32). This is a huge step forward for the environmentalist movement so be happy.

Also, An Inconvenient Truth, is in cinemas now. I would suggest that everyone go see that movie, it's fantastic.[/i]
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Postby Will » Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:54 pm

I see never flying ever again has become: "I feel I have an individual responsibility, but at the same time putting in low-energy light bulbs or flying as little as possible - as I do now." Tut tut!
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Postby Aimee » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm

I think PP compares the "Losing of the dust" As global warming. There are doors that are opened by nature but there are also human made portals that people have been to careless or just to lazy to close.
I think PP is saying Global warming isn't just nature it is us as well.
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Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:23 am

And all the homeless armoured bears...ten years before Al Gore ever used drowning polar bears to illustrate the evils of global warming...
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Postby Somewhat » Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:10 am

I see never flying ever again has become: "I feel I have an individual responsibility, but at the same time putting in low-energy light bulbs or flying as little as possible - as I do now." Tut tut!
I never could quite see how not flying makes a difference anyway. Unless he manages to boycott the entire passenger base of British Airways, one man not flying achieves nothing apart from gaining him moral ground.
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Postby aklebury » Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:14 am

flying seems to be one of those unavoidable things-

my personal opinion is that as long as you take a commercial flight and don't fly around in a private jet you can't really do much more (besides of course not flying)
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Postby Thing_of_Things » Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:20 am

We should bring back zeppelins. They are far more efficient and won't blow up if you don't fill them with hydrogen and/or cover them with rocket fuel. Or perhaps hybrid lifting bodies. There are a lot of very interesting ideas for airplane alternatives that have not been seriously tried because of a lack of venture capital...
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Postby Somewhat » Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:06 am

Zeppelins really are neat. And if we have zeppelins, we can have srafcons in them! :D
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Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:24 am

I vote for a return of the sea voyage. When my grandfather was 3, he went with his family to England to visit relatives, and it took 3 months to get there! But it would have made a journey seem like a real journey. I guess it made you appreciate distance more...
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