The Republic of Heaven

Your daemons

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Your daemons

Postby Tristan » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:22 pm

Okay, we've done what we'd like our daemons to be... now lets actually try to figure out what they are. PP has suggested that we ask people who know us, so lets all try to list some of our majors characteristics, likes/dislikes, and stuff about our personality. From there, maybe we could all try to decide what each others daemon is.

For example:

I'm not a very social person- I'm much happier hiking out in the woods than with a large group of people in the city. I could easily see myself as a reclusive hermit, but never as the life of a party. I'm fairly quiet, certainly not outgoing. I really enjoy writing, whether it be short story, poem, essay or whatever... because of this, I try to observe people and understand what makes them tick. When I'm doing something I enjoy (writing or fencing, primarily) I tend towards being a perfectionist- I always try to find faults with what I'm doing and ways to fix them. However, in things I absolutely hate (i.e. MATH) I really could care less. If I get something wrong on a test, I won't try to understand what I did wrong, unless I think I will actually be using it someday (come on, how often does the owner of a bookstore use matrices?)

I tend to come across as cold and uncaring however, usually because I don't really know what to say or how to act in a given situation. I'm not fond of change, unless I think that its definitely for the better.

Any thoughts?
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Postby Nix » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:29 pm

*just checks while he looks up sumthing in the Subtle Knife*

Well u sound like Grumman/Jopari (i like that word)/John parry and his daemon was an Osprey so perhaps u should have an Osprey
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Postby Tristan » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:31 pm

My original prediction had been some kind of bird of prey, so that'd fit. cool.
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Postby tVader14 » Tue Oct 22, 2002 1:42 am

Yeah, i thinl that does fit. Would you mind trying to find out my dæmon???

Here's my characteristics:

I love to read, my classmates yell at me b/c I read so much, I can be extremely hyper, I'm funny, I tell lots of corny jokes, I am the one my friends go to for advice. I can be extremely out-going, I'm nice to everyone unless they're really mean to me, I have wild ideas about everything, I think I think too much. I sometimes act blonde (since I am blonde) and I love skittles. I am serious when I need to be, some days I am extremely quiet and shy, I am always shy and quiet around guys that I have a crush on. I love to sing and listen to music.

That is a lot of stuff, maybe I shouldn't have said so many things, but hey...
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Postby Nix » Tue Oct 22, 2002 3:59 pm

Skittles sweets or bowling pins

Erm this is hard one, i dont know,

You sound like a sort of dog type daemon person as you like anyone unless their mean to you, you are very hyper and can make people laugh (at least thats what i guess from what u say), you cheer people up and can be friendly but also shy and quiet if you need to be,

Not a very doggy person so dont know what breed of dog it fits most but, there you go, My interpretation
(please dont take offense to it)
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Postby Tristan » Tue Oct 22, 2002 9:04 pm

yeah, I agree about the dog thing because of your being hyper and liking everyone. Also, dogs can usually sense how a person is feeling,and can be serious if needs be. good job nix...
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Postby Nix » Tue Oct 22, 2002 9:05 pm

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Postby Tristan » Tue Oct 22, 2002 10:14 pm

next... :D
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Postby Shivy » Tue Oct 22, 2002 10:24 pm

well.. i would ask what you'd think my daemon would be.. but i dunno how to describe myself :?
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Postby tVader14 » Tue Oct 22, 2002 11:04 pm

wow nix, i think you got me right down to the button! why would i be offended by a dog dæmon? dogs are awesome! Thanks! :)
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Postby Nix » Tue Oct 22, 2002 11:08 pm

Any time

In NL/TGC it sez that all servants daemons are dogs
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Postby max » Wed Oct 23, 2002 10:20 am

merlyn likes fences!?!


Postby Nix » Wed Oct 23, 2002 5:00 pm

fencing is a sport, You use a blunt sword and have try and touch your oppent with it, i think thats how it works. A boy in my form is 5th in SE England or sumthing like that so will ask him
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Postby Tristan » Wed Oct 23, 2002 8:47 pm

that you for that clarification Nix ;)... lol. Yes, I've participated in that sport (the ONLY sport I enjoy, and am actually good at) for the last two years or so at the local YMCA. Mostly I'ved fenced foil (the most "bendy" of the blades, with the target area being the body minus the head, arms, and legs), although I have started recently on epee (stiffer blade where the target is the whole body). It's a lot of fun...
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Postby Nix » Wed Oct 23, 2002 8:51 pm

that me
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Postby Justine » Wed Oct 23, 2002 10:17 pm

Will you atempt me?

I don't like sports. I am more of a reading/writing person. I can get really hyper and I have alot of diversed friends. (In other words, I'll hang out with whoever.) The thing that I get mad at the most is when people trash my friends. I'm the one in my group of friends that people can trust. I don't swear and I try to look for the good in everyone. (That can be really hard sometimes!) I like school.
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Postby Tristan » Wed Oct 23, 2002 11:50 pm

The first thing that popped into my mind was a seagull, like Jerry the seaman in TGC, because of your willingness to hang around with anyone, like a flock of birds or something. Also, flocks of seagulls usually team together if someone is messing with one of them... I dunno, you just reminded me of Jerry from book one.. could probably be any kind of pack/flock animal.
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Postby Nix » Thu Oct 24, 2002 3:39 pm

Yeah, seagull is what i thought, would have posted sooner but didnt see it
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Postby Justine » Thu Oct 24, 2002 8:06 pm

Thanks. I think seagulls are cool, although I've always been a liitle worried they might.. you know.. on my head when they fly over.
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Postby Tristan » Thu Oct 24, 2002 9:00 pm

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