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Insomniacs Anonymous

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:00 am
by Ian
The Rule

You are only to make a post (one post per night) in this thread. It must be made between 1 AM and 5 AM, that's 01:00 to 05:00, in the poster's time zone. It's 1:03 AM here in The UK, so I'm allowed to make post number one. To all you latenighters/insomniacs: welcome to the most exclusive thread on the board 8)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:03 am
by Cookiemonster
Hi there, my name's Eleanor, and I'm an insomniac :P

Although 1am isn't late for me really, which is a worrying thought...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:14 am
by jimi
Still up? :shock: hehhehheh.... :twisted: i like this time of night/day, it's QUIET!!! you can hear yourself think, there's less distractions, it can be a very creative time or an especially good time to read. It's also a time when your body can be at it's lowest. :? beware. Yay for the wee small hours. :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:09 am
by la senorita
hey its 10 past 2 here in n.ireland and i'm awake and i can't sleep and i have to go to school tomorrow. i love staying up late :) i'm not actually suppose to be on the computer but aww well :)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:43 am
by Qu Klaani
Hmm, in 15 minutes time I wouldnt even be allowed to post in this thread...

What the hell is beyond insomnia?

Well meh, first lecture is at 1, and I'll probably skip it anyway.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:14 am
by Max
hmm, 5-6 is still night, isn't it? I've been waiting for that burst of 'last minute motivation' to kick in, but it seems I'll have to wait for the literal last minute.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:45 am
by jimi
We'rrrreee....wide awake
i've just discovered something. Something about cats. And it is this:
The weight and mass of a cat is in direct proportion to how sleepy they are.
It's true. One minute you're sharing the sofa with a cute furry cusion of a thing, and then the catnap starts...size...increasing....excuse me puss? getting heavier....must....stretch out...

it's a good job that cats are light sleepers. Otherwise their mass could keep increasing and increasing until a minature Black Hole was formed.
Imagine the chaos! millions of tiny cat-shaped Black Holes
...and that brings to a close tonight's Night Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:14 am
by Cookiemonster
I can see some great thoughts and discoveries coming out of this thread. Which major world problem shall we attempt to solve first? :P

2.16am here, meh.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:44 am
by Ian
Hello people. 4.46 AM here.

EDIT: 17/11 it's 4.59 AM

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:11 am
by Laura
GMT says its 9:08am, but I believe my own clock, which says 1:12am :mrgreen:

I'm really depressed, hahaha....

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:02 am
by zemarl
no, i didnt stay up this late just to post here. but i'm here. *zonks out*

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:56 am
by Starshade
Tis 1.57am.
WOw I have parties :)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:57 am
by Dante

I doubt I'm going to be in this thread much.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:08 am
by brynjarbjorn
Just got home from a double birthday party (two classmates had birthday at the same time)

The clock is 03:09 GMT

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:30 am
by jimi
I bet its bloody cold up there, it's cold enough here in London, it was minus 8 last night minus 8... i 'spose thats not much compared to what it must be up there in Iceland... that doesn't put me off wanting to visit the place. A friend of mine went there a while ago and told me of Volcanoes and Glaciers and bubbling pools of mud and the Moon - like terrain... and i want to see some Northern Lights. One of my Aunts lives up in the Shetlands and she's seen them many times (not fair!) my other aunt lives in Canada and she's seen them too (not fair!) one day or night i will witness that spectacle myself. :shock:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:03 am
by brynjarbjorn
Northern Lights are rather common sight around here, the only problem at times is a continous clowdy weather, be it a storm or simply a calm & clowdy.
Surprisingly, we've been having a rather warm winter so far, for example the heat right now is 4°C in Reykjavík. But still it can get cold as it is supposed to be at times.

btw, the clock is now 04:04 GMT :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:08 am
by Alewyn
1.04. WOW i have no life. i don't even know what to do now. i was reading fanfics for a bit, but the HDM ones are too depressing. hmmm listening to Matchbox 20 at the moment. Rob Thomas is soooo much better as matchbox. AHHHHHH i want to run outside and scream, it's too quiet right now. i have a headache. i need to wash my hair. my sister's home from college for a bit. i wanna go to college. i have a headache. i should really go to sleep. i'm reading this really stupid book made for kids my age. the only reason i'm reading it is because it's based in the Tower of London. i've realized that while it's true that many-a-time London/England/UK will pop up around me sometimes i tempt and taunt myself by doing things like reading a horrific book solely because it's based in the Tower of London. no more babbling. good night all. i have a headache.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:35 am
by Alewyn
2 nights in a row. 1.12AM. **iguana** why can't he just listen to me? sorry that none of you understand it, i just had to write it somewhere. you know what? no one cares anymore. no one wants to listen or read stories. no one wants to sit outside and watch the people walking by and picking up strands of their conversation. they all have their ipods and mp3 players and cell phones. the real world isn't good enough anymore. living in the moment is useless when you can live in your music, or talk to a friend non stop. no one wants to stop and listen and watch. no one cares for a story anymore. we have no more Mr. Darcy's in this day and age. just Jay-Z's and Jude Law's. Jude Law; even the most beautiful of the people on our planet cheat. nothing terrible happened today, my mom just mentioned at dinner tonight after seeing a commercial for that cell phone with itunes how no one pays attention to life anymore. my grade, full of 12-, 13-, and 14-year olds, should be endlessly gossiping about what she wore, what he said, why she did that, why he asked her. not why that girl made out with that other girl, not how he was seen walking home with a girl that wasn't his girlfriend, not stressing out because friends are for no reason cutting themselves and not eating. a group of people form my grade talked to college juniors and sophomores about what was going on at our school. even they were amazed, most of this stuff they hadn't come by until junior year of highschool. no one cares anymore. no one lives in the moment. everyone grows up to quickly just because they won't look around and enjoy the sun and the snow and the rain and the lightning and the rainbows because they are too busy listening to their ipods and their mp3 players and talking on their cell phones. i know you're all thinking this girl should shut up, she's just a teenager, it's just part of growing up. but first of all, deal with it. and secondly, i'm not just talking to people my age. when was the last time any of you sat at a cafe and watched the people, making up stories of what they were doing there, what they were going to do next, where they had come from? it's funny, of my day in Oxford that's the biggest thing i remember: there was this twenty-ish guy sitting at a 2 person table near my table at a cafe. he was so nervous and twitchy. he wore a fashionable winter jacket and had an Oxford scarf. his hair was regularly cut, brown, and messy. he had some grizzlies on his face. he sat down, stood up, switched seats, stood up again, pushed the opposite chair in, ordered about five different pitchers of soda. i made up so many stories in those ten minutes. he was going to meet his son, he was going to propose to his girlfriend, he was going to see his mom who he hadn't seen in years. in the end short Indian (i think) man walked in and sat opposite him. think of if i had been sitting there listening to my sister's ipod. would i have ever seen that man? probably not. now whenever I imagine myself at Oxford I always see him, the ideal Oxford student. we all have to take out the ear plugs and just listen. just look. just pay attention to what's going on right now. i should stop writing this and get ready for tomorrow's events. for who knows what they shall bring. perhaps i can help a sixth grader open a locker, maybe i'll get called back from my play auditions, i might even have my first kiss because i was just sitting there, listening to him, staring into his beautiful endless blue eyes. just listen. take out the ear plugs. hang up the phone. walk outside. sit on the sidewalk. take a bike ride to that hidden street with the picturesque lake. just look. just listen. turn off the computer.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:57 am
by jimi
Alewyn, my pixel pal, my binary buddy, you do speak a lot of sense. :shock:
yes it's true.
no one wants to listen or read stories. no one wants to sit outside and watch the people walking by and picking up strands of their conversation. they all have their ipods and mp3 players and cell phones. the real world isn't good enough anymore. living in the moment is useless when you can live in your music, or talk to a friend non stop. no one wants to stop and listen and watch. no one cares for a story anymore.

I do.
being in the here and now is very important. The thing is, it takes effort, concentration, energy. It would seem that a lot of people just can't be asked, hence ipods etc. Personally i like my awareness intact thank you, i could never walk about the places i walk about and not be as aware as i could. I need all my senses, i have to be aware, it's not a choice.
As a musician, i also really appreciate the value of silence. As much as i love music in all its forms, sometimes i have to have silence.
:wizard: Yin and Yang.
I can't stand frelling mobile phones.:evil:
I also like to ride my bike. South London is pretty low in the picturesque lake department (although there are a few..kind of), but there are some good cycle routes, and you have to totally be in the here and now whilst on a bike, otherwise the results could be as Jimmy Saville used to say "very unfunny"
no one cares anymore. no one lives in the moment. everyone grows up to quickly just because they won't look around and enjoy the sun and the snow and the rain and the lightning and the rainbows because they are too busy listening to their ipods and their mp3 players and talking on their cell phones.

:cute: what can i say

Oh yes, and Brynjarbjorn,
Northern Lights are rather common sight around here

Not fair! I'm goin' to Iceland, thats all there is to it.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:55 am
by Enitharmon
jimi wrote:Not fair! I'm goin' to Iceland, thats all there is to it.

I always fancied going to Kobnhavn, crossing to Malmö and taking the train right up to the Arctic with a stopover in Stockholm.