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Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:59 pm
by AlexSP
i am/was on my deathbed. well, was, cos i'm a lot better now. saturday night at work i got a sore throat and then it went downhill from there. was sniffling and then had a fever all day yesterday. then, as always, it went to super snotting and coughing, which started today. i'm at work now and i've taken 1. cough medicine 2. nose clearing spray 3. sore throat medicine drops. fever's very low i think and i just feel kind of silly, you know? like all weak and giggly. dunno if anyone else gets that when they're sick. anyway, i'm hoping i'll be fine by morning. GREEN TEA POWER!

dunno where i got it from. could be anywhere! ronni was sick after we got back from london, but that was a week ago. then friday i went out and maybe i was improperly dressed or i don't know. then i was super sweaty on saturday cos it was the hottest day of the year and when i got to work i stood in the freezer a couple of times. who knows...

PS. my snot has largely returned to normal colour. you could say -- wait for it -- it snot so yellow anymore... bwahaaa ... sorry

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:52 pm
by Steffimonster
The joys of being sick ¬__¬

i always seem to be sick at this time of started with a headache on sunday night
when i got up on Monday morning i felt dizzy, stomach ache and like i was gonna be physically i went back to bed
when i eventually woke up it was to be sick and spent most of yesterday getting sick, being dizzy and with a headache.
i couldnt keep anything down...not even water so in the evening michael brought me to the doctor. he gave me stuff to settle my stomach and a cert for college.

mum collected me last night and brought me home

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:42 pm
by blueangel
I've nothing yet but come Thursday I'm pretty sure I'll be complaining about the eye surgery and my lack of colour vision.

On another note *hugs* to everyone unwell! Rest up, wrap up and remember dry toast, chicken soup and tea are miracles.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:45 am
by Secret Someone
It's not even 6AM yet. I can't sleep due to pain and acid reflux. This is not fun. I want to cry.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:19 am
by Soapy
Got a cold. Bleurgh. Wish I didn't have to work and such.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:57 pm
by Alexandra
Last night my mom and I had takeout from this greek place. We both ended up with food poisoning, though hers was mild. I was up all night throwing up. :( I was also supposed to meet my best friend for brunch today but I texted her at like 5 am explaining why I couldn't make it and it turns out she had had greek food from the same exact place and was throwing up as well. Now I feel like ~*pineapples*~ and I'm supposed to study for my physics midterm.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:32 am
by Soapy
No, no, I don't burn myself at work where there are lots of hot surfaces.

No, I burn myself at home on the bleedin' toaster. It ~*iguana*~ hurts!

Also I have a cold and my chest is all full of phlegm and it hurts to breathe. Feeling a bit sorry for myself.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:55 pm
by Peter
Urghh. First me and now FW down with the lurgi.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:56 pm
by Aletheia Dolorosa
Curses! I have The Worst Flu Ever. It started on Sunday, when I was so exhausted I could barely function. Then I felt really cold, and my bones started aching. I slept from 8pm until 8am on Monday. I felt worse on Monday, but being the hypochondriac that I am, convinced myself that I had scurvy (don't ask) and got into a complete panic.

Then I thought about things and realised that (what with aching bones, fever, blinding headaches, sore throat and no energy or appetite) I must have the flu.

I've had to be in the department all day due to classes, then an AGM for our department's student society, then a rehearsal for this Irish concert on Thursday and now I'm working the night shift in the library. I won't be home until 10pm and then I'm going to fall face down on the bed and not move until tomorrow morning.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:11 pm
by bethanwy
You should get to the doctors when you have a chance, Ronni. At least that way you won't have to pay for flu stuff.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:38 pm
by Aletheia Dolorosa
I was at the doctor on Tuesday morning, and she said it was either the flu or a viral infection. I seem to be getting a bit better, so it may be that it was just a virus. I still get randomly dizzy, and still have no desire to eat, but I think I'm on the mend.

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:03 pm
by nanaki
she said it was either the flu or a viral infection.
told you you weren't a pirate :P

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:05 pm
by Steffimonster
stupid spring with its evil-ness =(

Re: Tea and sympathy, or the sickness thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:49 pm
by bee
In lovely news, apparently sraffies haven't been sick since March.

Sorry to break the streak. :p

I'm actually recovering now (it's a bronchitis party!) but I'm trying to figure out how to be sick at work. I can't just take a bazillion years off work (I felt bad at 2 days) but today I just feel weird taking breaks every 10-20 minutes to run to the bathroom or breakroom to hack up gunk or drink absurd amounts of water (respectively).

I'm trying not to cough AROUND people (and obviously not ON people), but this is being difficult. Compared to how I have been, I'm coughing very little now. I cough in spurts that last about 30-60 seconds and I do this about every 10 minutes. Which is all well and good at home and seems very nice compared to when it was practically the reverse. But it's not very nice in a work place. :\

Also, I've been drinking "liquid nutrition" (Ensure, but I buy off brand) to supplement my meager food intake and I think it's been reacting with one of my million drugs because I now seem to be throwing it up. So... just tea and water for me now.