The Republic of Heaven

A: The CD series - is the "Marzipan" chapter changed, too?

Discussion for the adaptations of HDM: Movie (M), Audio (A), Stage Play (SP) and Sega’s videogame (VG).

A: The CD series - is the "Marzipan" chapter changed, too?

Postby tbessie » Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:20 am

I have the entire series of the books on the US copy of the CD/Full Cast recording.

I noticed that the Marzipan chapter in The Amber Spyglass is truncated/modified just like the US copy of the book is. I was wondering if anyone bought the CDs in the UK, and can attest that the chapter was not modified on the UK versions.

- Tim
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Joined: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:27 am

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