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A: Radio Play: Memorable Quotes
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 3:43 pm
by AySz88
Pan: "Get off, you're standing on me."
Lyra: "Oh, sorry."
Asriel: "Lyra! Whatthehellareyoudoinghere!? Howdareyoucomeinhere!?"
Pan: "Ow! You stood on me again!"
Pan: "I had really a strange dream..."
blah, blah Dust, blah
Pan: "My dream, it had snow, and--"
blah, blah, Master, blah, guessed the poison, blah, North, blah blah, don't have time for you, blah, blah
Asriel: "Go to bed. I'll be back in a year's time."
Pan: "I can tell you my dream--"
Lyra: "Shut up, Pan."
Pan: "Oooh, it tastes horrible!"
Lyra: "Well, you're not supposed to eat it."
Pan: "You squeezed it right in my mouth!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 4:54 pm
by Nix
`Here's a Biscuit tin, I ate the last two to empty it'
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:20 pm
by AySz88
Lee Scoresby: "The balloon's kicking like a wild mustang, Yeee-hah!"
Armored Bear: "You are my prisoner!"
Lyra: "...oookaaay."
Lyra: "It stinks worse than ever...and this horrible poo-y carpet."
Pan: "Don't breathe too deeply or you'll pass out."
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:26 pm
by Nix
`Don't Breath too deeply you will pass out'
`Excuse me sir, If theres a choice, Can I have chees on Toast please?'
`If light can pass through ti, so can we' (but light can travel at light speed and we cant)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:51 pm
by Tristan
Lord Asriel: "I am master of the aurora!!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:53 pm
by Nix
` I bloody well want to be an orphan'
`You and i could take thi universe apart and put it back together again' flat pack universes
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:56 pm
by AySz88
Lyra: "My parents should be shoving each other off the mountain, not kissing. I bloody well want to be an orphan. Look, Pan, they're kissing and stuff!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:57 pm
by Nix
just walk into the sky
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:57 pm
by Tristan
I think she said "They should be trying to shove each other off the cliff, not kissing!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 5:58 pm
by Tristan
Lyra:"Come on Pan, when we find Dust, we'll know what to do. Let's walk into the sky!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 6:54 pm
by Justine
lol. Some of those are pretty funny.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:14 pm
by AySz88
Ma Costa: "Oh, you piece of dung!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:59 pm
by Shivy
Lyra "Mrs Coulter is on her way to svalbard with a zepplin with lots of soldiers and they're gonna kill us all"
LA "they'll never reach us"
Lyra " Yes they bloody will"
"He's taken Roja!!"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:57 pm
by Tristan
Lol, these are great... I'll archive 'em on the site then... keep posting them if you hear more.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:32 am
by AySz88
Roger: "Pardon the staring, but I've never seen a daemon without its human before."
Tony: "Me, neither."
Lyra: "Now you have. Now, go!"
Kaisa: "And
I am not used to being stared at."
Pan: "Does it matter if it's self-rising?"
Balthamos: "They find it the most exhilerating feeling, weightless, floating...although the novelty can wear off, I assure you."
Hester: "He should have wounded, not killed his opponent."
Lee: "But then we all do what we not ought to have done. To err is human."
Hester: "To err is bear! --And hare!"
Hester: "Oh, you'd better. We'll be astronauts not aeronauts if you don't, boy."
Lee: "It works on a spring, kinda like I'd wish I'd like to be when it gets this bumpy!"
Lyra: "Does it? It's hard to make everything out because of the bird poop. Oh, it's everywhere, yuck"
Guard Bear: "So many new rules. I can't keep up with them!"
Lyra: "How do I tell him [Iofur] that? He'll kill me!"
Pan: "Flatter him. Tell him he smells nice."
Lyra: "Pan...."
Lyra: "NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!"
"I am master of the aurora!" is
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:39 am
by Tristan
yes, that is classic...
Nix: Who said your quotes?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:50 am
by AySz88
Lyra: "My parents should be shoving each other off the mountain, not kissing. I bloody well want to be an orphan. Look, Pan, they're kissing and stuff!"
(I listened to that about 20 times before I realized she had said "I bloody well want to be an orphan". Yeah, I'm slow...)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:38 am
by Stelmaria
I didn't read the whole thread, so this might already have been posted:
Lyra: "Uncle Asriel, what if I need to sneeze?"
Lord Asriel: "Get Pan to smother you!"
These might not be the EXACT words, but they mean about the same thing.
I'm listening to it as I speak... "A city in another world..."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:01 pm
by rhapsody
I also am listening to it right now-
I definately was
not expecting Mrs Coulter to say this:
boy- "are you a gobbler?"
coulter- "yes, I am"
woah! i had to listen to the bit again!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 1:47 am
by AlexSP
GUUUHHHHHHHHHh... did anyone record it onto tape? mp3? ANYTHING?