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TBOD: Prologue or Epilogue?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:11 pm
by daemon_light
Do you think the Book of Dust would be a prologue or epilogue? It might be about the creation of the knife or even the ALETHIOMETER! That would be cool. I kind of want to know about that.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:22 pm
by Lyra&Pan
Hmm, it is a kind of an epilogue because the story is before HDM, but it's also an epilogue cause PP will stop writting about L-world, Dust and stuff.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:21 pm
by daemon_light
Lyra&Pan wrote:Hmm, it is a kind of an epilogue because the story is before HDM, but it's also an epilogue cause PP will stop writting about L-world, Dust and stuff.

wait... what? I think you got your words screwed up. Please repeat :?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:46 pm
by SoulLily
I suppose it could be both. I'm hoping for more of a prologue, though... What really interest me are the stories before the actual story, like how Coulter and Asriel met, how the alethiometer and the knife were made, more about Serafina Pekkala's past (like her relationship with Farder Coram) and others.
PP's also said that he doesn't plan to write more about Lyra or Will (or was that Lyra and Will...?) so an epilogue would be less interesting. I'd rather see the events that happened before the books than what happened after them. But that's just me.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:05 pm
by shinoshaki
SoulLily wrote:PP's also said that he doesn't plan to write more about Lyra or Will (or was that Lyra and Will...?) so an epilogue would be less interesting. I'd rather see the events that happened before the books than what happened after them. But that's just me.

He said he wasn't going to write about Lyra and Will together... he said their story was over. He wrote Lyra's Oxford after, though, so seems that there may be stories about each of them... but probably only about Lyra.

And I think I read somewere that the Book of Dust was about the past of the subtle knife etc.etc...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:26 pm
by Jopo
I know it was kind of leaving us in suspense but I feel we need to know what has happened to Will, such as his Mother's situation. I think this could easily be part of the Book of Dust seens as we have already seen Lyra's continuing situation in Lyra's Oxford and it's something plenty of people are interested in.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:44 pm
by daemon_light
shinoshaki wrote:
And I think I read somewere that the Book of Dust was about the past of the subtle knife etc.etc...

I'm almost more interested to hear about the alethiometer's history... although the knife seems to have more of a journey and story, but we haven't heard as much about the alethiometer (kind of the appeal to it though.)

EDIT: Don't get me wrong I really want to hear both. I'm basically equally interested.

Re: Prologue or Epilogue?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:36 pm
by VerityVadray
I definitely need to know what happend with Will, cuz amber spyglass ends so open with him going back and we never know what happens after! ofc, that's how all books are when they end - u want to know what happens after it ends - but i think it'd be neat if he wrote about that. somehow, though, i get the feeling that the book will be about the creation of the knife and the alethiometer and all that stuff, cuz its all mentioned a lot in HDM. i guess a real story about it all would be pretty cool. although i will really miss Lyra and Will! is there any more info anywhere online about this book??


Re: Prologue or Epilogue?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:17 am
by Alex-Giovanni
PP said that after he had written 'The Book Of Dust' he was going to write a small green book about what happened to Will after TAS to go with 'Lyra's Oxford' and 'Once Upon A Time In The North.'

Re: Prologue or Epilogue?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:44 am
by TheRealNeo
PP said that after he had written 'The Book Of Dust' he was going to write a small green book about what happened to Will after TAS to go with 'Lyra's Oxford' and 'Once Upon A Time In The North.'

Re: Prologue or Epilogue?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:13 am
by Stelmaria7
yay I'm so excited about TBOD and the little green book. :)

Re: Prologue or Epilogue?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:45 pm
by shady
i think Pullman is not really onto the work on the book.
it may be finished in late 2009,or even not published at all(hope not,but that`s the look of it) :!: