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PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:14 am
by Peter
It depends on whether PP is afflicted with the urge to tidy things up.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:11 pm
by Starshade
Well, I certainly wouldn't mind a little bit extra on the side, I'm getting rather tetchy now, as all the books I need are not released until late this year, or next year.

It really needs some catchy story, although PP doesn't really need to try does he?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:08 pm
by subtlewill19
by the way i just read LO again recently and it is definitely set two years after TASG.......whether this means she is 14 or 15 is irrelevant I think, but it is definitely two years because she quotes-"in the two years since she parted from Will the slightest thing had the power to move her to pity and distress. It felt is if her heart was bruised forever." LO also definitely leads into TBOD in that there will be at least one more Lyra story, but I really hope there is another Will story-to me he is the fuller and more complex character because of what he went through his entire life before he met Lyra, and also during their adventures in The Subtle Knife and TASG. It would be a shame not to have another story about Will.