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Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Mon May 07, 2007 11:32 am

I'll check out your stuff soonish...I'm sure it's excellent.
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Postby AUST » Mon May 07, 2007 1:30 pm

I do write a lot of original work as well and I've had a few short stories published along with a bit of poetry. When your a young writer its very hard to penitrate the market and my only full length work got turned down.
don't let that stop you :P maybe the idea didn't work at the time, but try messing around with it. it might take significant changes or maybe you'll do something totally different, but persistence is what will get you there. almost nobody makes it on their very first try. what if orson scott card gave up on ender's game the first time he wanted to publish it? what if pullman just sold his typewriter when his editor didn't like whatever it was he first submitted (and don't tell me his dark materials as it is now was exactly the way he wrote it to start, you don't get masterpieces like that in one go)
I know that :D I wasn't exactly into giving up, though I might stop trying to write epic peices until I get some more knowlage of the themes I'm exploring-at the moment the only area I could say I have any real expertise in is poltics. I might do a bit more 'lighter writing' and explore such themes more subtly.
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Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Wed May 16, 2007 4:45 am

That sounds like a good plan. Maybe work on shorter, really tightly-focused stories and then move on to bigger stuff.
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Postby Peter » Wed May 16, 2007 12:16 pm

That sounds like a good plan. Maybe work on shorter, really tightly-focused stories and then move on to bigger stuff.
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Postby Kirsty » Wed May 23, 2007 11:13 am

I hope he doesn't write a reunion, the whole point at the end of TAS was that they will NEVER meet again.
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Postby AUST » Wed May 23, 2007 12:25 pm

I hope he doesn't write a reunion, the whole point at the end of TAS was that they will NEVER meet again.
Agree compeltly-thats what I've been saying...
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Postby shinoshaki » Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:29 pm

I think that the more people insist on having Lyra and Will reunited, the more Phillip Pullman will object, so... INSIST!

I mean, I would like them reunited for the shake of their happiness, but 1) it would spoil a beautiful story and 2) maybe it would make them "forget" about their republic of heaven task.

And I hate, hate, hate reading fanfics about Lyra and Will being reunited with stupid reasons as "Oh, I repaired the subtle knife with the help of my mother" or "Will goes to Lyra's world and love keeps them alive even if they're not in their own world"...
stupid, stupid, stupid...

I don't usually like "they lived happily ever after" endings, coz life is not like that, and I like realistic endings.
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