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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:10 pm
by Kinders
Alright, I was wrong about the agnosticism thing. There are people out there who think they KNOW beyond any and all doubt that there is or is not a God.


I think that those who are posting here are at least partially agnostic. Yes, we all fall into our own little categories (Atheist, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish, etc.etc.), but I think we all have at least some degree of uncertainty.
Really, though. Is there anyone on this thread who is absolutely certain, beyond any doubt, that God does or does not exist? I'm not trying to force a classification on you (shot in the dark), I'm just trying to find some common ground.
But.. but.. you've just conceded one thing and then claimed the opposite. I am not agnostic. I do not believe there is a God. You've just confused knowledge and belief again.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:16 am
by Undestined
Alright, I was wrong about the agnosticism thing. There are people out there who think they KNOW beyond any and all doubt that there is or is not a God.


I think that those who are posting here are at least partially agnostic. Yes, we all fall into our own little categories (Atheist, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish, etc.etc.), but I think we all have at least some degree of uncertainty.
Really, though. Is there anyone on this thread who is absolutely certain, beyond any doubt, that God does or does not exist? I'm not trying to force a classification on you (shot in the dark), I'm just trying to find some common ground.
But.. but.. you've just conceded one thing and then claimed the opposite. I am not agnostic. I do not believe there is a God. You've just confused knowledge and belief again.
No, I said that there are SOME who don't have any doubt as to God's existance, but I don't BELIEVE (although I don't KNOW) that any of those people are posting here. So It's a partial concession. My point is, if we know that there's nobody here who is absolutely certain of God's existance, this debate can go more smoothly.

Re: God Anyone?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:39 pm
by shady
I beleive only what i see,feel...HDM changed my believes in God,i started asking myself should i beleive in something that i never saw,or felt.NO i said to myself
and continued reading His Dark Materials. :P

Re: God Anyone?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:22 pm
by Philharmonic
nope. no god whatsoever 100% sure no way.

i find it impossible to believe that a big guy in the clouds who would send you to burn for eternity for breaking one of 10 rules loves you. and i cant believe there are still people in this day and age who think the earth is 6000 years old.

anyone who wants to see my point, watch zeitgeist, i found it intriguing.

Re: God Anyone?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:38 pm
by LadyHawke
While I admit to lovin the stories (tell them stories!), I don't technically 'believe' in a God. But I am not technically an atheist, either, cuz I know that there is SOMETHING other than just what we can see in this physical world. Again, I KNOW, I don't bother with belief.

I do see a magick that cannot be explained by science, and the great 'why' I answered a long time ago..... But the only reason people have a God is so they can fight over what 'it' is called..... :roll:

I am a deeply spiritual person, but I hold NO truck with religion or preistcraft in ANY form, and that includes a blind faith or trust in the empiricalness of science, either.....

I am freinds with personally this guy, and this is the only thing other than my own experiences that I would 'ascribe' to in any way. He is a good friend and teacher, the only one I have appointed to myself. 8)

Re: Do you believe in God?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:29 pm
by tellthemstories
The whole problem with the god or no god argument, is that everyone has a different opinion of what it is, and I don't think anyone truly comprehends it. We can't after all, we are human, we can't even comprehend ourselves.