the black people weren't black at all. when mrs. holland was threatening don gilet's character (i didn't pick up the name, but he was on doctor who this monday), she did not point out his skin colour as a potential identifier for the murder of marchbanks. i was wondering if the bbc does this a lot with period pieces. it's done all the time in theatre and not made a big deal of.Although, if they follow on and do The Shadow in the North - would it have been extremely controversial for Rosa to marry Bedwell?
i thought fred was cast well but i did think jim was too old and too handsome. (he was in the history boys apparently) but he was played very well, just as amiable as he should be.
i haven't read the book in some time but if i were to spot the marketting audience, i'd say it was young adult, but when you think of it, it's pretty violent... does the 830 timeslot on BBC1 mean anything?
and btw, imdb lists a 4 february release date for the USA.