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Putting God back in public schools

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:51 pm
by Saraneth
I found this petition/website today. I was pretty disgusted by it, actually. It's about putting God back in public schools. One of the opening lines of the petition is "Our God is right, not Buda, not Mohammed, etc." and that just royally pissed me off. The whole site and cause is narrow-minded and stupid. She tells people who believe in different gods (or nothing) to sit down and 'be silent'. Now, I'm Catholic. May not be the best one, but I am. And I do think that religion should be an optional class choice in public schools for those WHO WANT IT. This bitch wants to force it on everyone. I completely disagree.

I e-mailed her and told her my differing opinion haha. She's crazy.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:54 pm
by random guy
that disgusts me...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:26 am
by King Ogunwe
i'm all for religion... just not for pressing it on other people...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:37 am
by random guy
same with me...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:03 am
by Tristan
ditto. Religion is somebody's choice, not a forced view point from someone else.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:16 am
by King Ogunwe
and there's definetly not a "right" religion...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:18 am
by Daniel
Some Idiot wrote:It took only one insane woman to change the future, which lead to the deaths of many children by taking prayer out of our schools. That needs to die a death along with her!!!
Since when did a lack of prayer kill people?
A Woman With The Quality of Something Almost But Not Entirely Unlike Reason wrote:My solution to all the above would be to allow a moment of silent prayer each day for all students, with no doctrines being taught. Allow the student to only hear about the Love of the same God, who gave his son Jesus on the cross to bring us back to him which this country was founded on, not other gods who have come in that door since the founding of this Nation.
No doctrines being taught? That looks like a doctrine to me.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:32 am
by random guy
that person is an IDIOT
who knows nothing at all of what she is talking about, and notice that only about 100 people in the WORLD agree with her...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:18 am
by Isobel
That's really upsetting. I just hope there's not a lot of people that gree, although there probably are. :( I don't think this will go anywhere, but still...Unfortunately, even as it is now, public schools here are not necessarily as free of religion as I think they should be. When I was in first grade I had this horrible teacher who tried to press Christianity on everyone, all sorts of Christmas projects and that sort of thing. That sort of thing shouldn't be happening at all, but I'm not Christian, and everyone else in the class was, so it was really uncomfortable for me.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:29 am
by Saraneth
She has 14,000 signatures all in support. See I wouldn't mind if you could have optional religion classes, etc. in public schools. Cause I think the Christians and whoever else should get the opportunity. But not like this. This woman is telling everyone else to shut the hell up, it's her show. She thinks everyone has to be Christian and there should be mandatory things in school. Her response to minorites, immigrants, and people of different beliefs: "Get used to it.". Wtf is that?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:39 am
by King Ogunwe
Wow... 14,000 people that should all take a long walk off a very short pier...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:40 am
by AySz88
This woman seriously has this country's values confused.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:41 am
by King Ogunwe
wasn't this country founded to have no religion?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:52 am
by jessia
LoL, the "freedom of religion" in the american constitution was originally to allow protestant americans to bash the catholics, in response to the british up in canada allowing the quebecois freedom to practice catholicism after they threw out the french.

now they'd like us to believe they really meant freedom to practice, but whatever.

you really can't start off an smart petition with the words, "our god is right," it's biased, and makes the petitioner sound ignorant. i think religion should be taught in public schools, but not in a "this is what is true, now believe it" kind of way. in high school, my school has a world religions kind of course. it's a social studies/sciences course. it makes sense to learn about the beliefs (and cultures, 'cause they intertwine) of others. it promotes tolerance and understand and all that good stuff, and at the end of the course, you've gotten smarter and gained a high school credit. nothing wrong with bringing God into public classrooms, but proclaiming and teaching which god is the "right" god - especially in a school run and paid for by the (separate from relgion) state - is up the the individual participant alone, not the teacher.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:58 am
by King Ogunwe
i must say i agree... if people knew how similar the worlds religions are, they would be astounded...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:58 am
by Pyr
im not really religious, but i dont mind the sort of "american religion" which are a bunch of commercialized holidays=presents, and it kinda sucks to not be allowed to do any of it in school. i dont mean like preaching cristianity, but having a secret santa and setting up an easter egg hunt for younger grades and stuff..we used to do that kind of stuff but not anymore...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:41 am
by Nix
Over here we have Religious Education. It's basically a normal lesson where you get taught the beliefs of the 7 major world religions, (Hinduism, Judasim, Buddhism, Islam, christianity, Sikhism and Jainism) and how they pray, what their doctrines are etc. This year we have also been learning how the differant religions react to problems out in the world, most of them will help people, even if they are not the religion that they themselves practise.

It is a compulsory lesson, butit doesnt just force people to believe in christianity, in fact there is less on christianity as their beliefs are simpler to understand. It would be more benficial to the population of the world if this was taught in all countries as they might reaslise that just because someone is doing something that you think is threatening to you, it's natural for them as it is their Religion.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 5:58 pm
by Isobel
I think a class where they teach about many different religions is a good idea, as long as they're not trying to force any beliefs. I agree that does sound like it would be beneificial for helping people understand and respect other religions and cultures more. Maybe they should have a petition to do that here, not have some mandatory Christian class. :roll:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:46 pm
by Tristan
Yeah, being able to take like a history of religion would be neat... but being forced to believe a single religion? These are the kind of people who give a bad name to religion... it's disgusting, really...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:14 pm
by random guy
they're like

"we're not saying that everyone should be christian, we are just saying that everyone who is IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL should be forced to be christian..."