The Republic of Heaven

My first animation

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My first animation

Postby AaronD » Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:32 pm

So I haven't posted outside of the Doctor Who thread in a long time. Bear with me.

Last year I was a freshman in college and decided the best way to learn how to do 3D animation was to stake my grade on me being able to learn and make one in time, so I did. I used people in my dorm for voice talent, music, help with programming and modeling, etc, and through a lot of work managed to create a three minute animation about my university's upcoming Google Lunar X Prize attempt. For those who don't know about it, the Google Lunar X Prize will be given to the first non-governmental team that can get a rover to soft land on the moon and travel 500 meters.

Anyway, enough introduction, let me know what you think of the clip. It took a lot of work :D
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