The Republic of Heaven

Favorite part

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Favorite part

Postby TheLadyofShalott » Fri Jan 03, 2003 8:11 am

The subject says it all. What's your all time favorite part of TAS?
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Postby Alice » Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:38 am

Hard to say. From the chapter where Mary tells her marzipan story to the end really. Although I was crying for much of that :cry: . But i just thought these last chapters were really beautiful.
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Postby Nix » Wed Jan 08, 2003 4:51 pm

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Postby Alice » Wed Jan 08, 2003 5:53 pm

Why Saint-Jean-Les-Eaux Nix?
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Postby Nix » Wed Jan 08, 2003 6:15 pm

cos it thought it was the most gripping chapter in it. You didnt know what was going to happen, wheter the golden monkey would get all the hair out, whether they would be caught, if the prieswt would really sever himself, what happened to Lord Roke and which worlds all the differant bits of lyra would end up in
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Postby Alice » Wed Jan 08, 2003 8:39 pm

Yeah, that's true. For sheer excitement I would have to go for when Will, Balthamos and Baruch are sitting by the fire and the Metatron comes to try and get them - it really scared me! Just that first view of Metatron and the angel's complete terror was frightening.
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Postby AlexSP » Wed Jan 08, 2003 9:10 pm

Yeah! Both the above bits were heart-pounding. Or how about when they steal the alethiometer back -- I think I had to change underwear a few times during that bit. :lol:
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Postby Alice » Thu Jan 09, 2003 12:48 am

That was nerve-wracking. Also, the bit where Lyra nearly falls into the abyss in the world of the dead - I completely did not see that coming and it was one of those bits of writing that totally sweeps you up and i felt like it was me plunging down into nothing, forever... ahem. sorry 'bout that. Also lovely touching bit after that... something about Will and Lyra being the only two humans clinging to each other in a void of death...
I've chosen 3 favourite bits now! That's just greedy isn't it?
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Postby Tristan » Fri Jan 10, 2003 11:48 pm

Not greedy at all... there's so many great parts of HDM that it's hard to pick. Although I personally prefered the Land of the Dead, the Marzipan story and its results, the part where they realize they can't stay together, the Botanic Garden, and the very end. So don't feel greedy Alice, I choose 5 favorite parts.
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Postby Justine » Sat Jan 11, 2003 1:14 am

I choose every part! Yay!
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Postby AySz88 » Sat Jan 11, 2003 2:42 am

Justine wrote:I choose every part! Yay!

Ditto. The more greed the better. ;)
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Postby Daniel » Sat Jan 11, 2003 3:20 am


that part between the first mention of "In" to the last mention of "Lyra."
*sigh* Well, at least you tried.
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Postby Shivy » Sat Jan 11, 2003 11:30 am

Don't make me choose..
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Postby Justine » Sat Jan 11, 2003 3:21 pm

lol. You can choose everything!
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Postby Yummypixiedust » Sun Feb 16, 2003 1:48 am

I would have to say my favorite part was the last chapter ^_^ I read it over and over again, it was so moving! And it was beautifully written :D
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My Favorite Part..

Postby Feathers » Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:43 pm

Hrm.. I would definatly have to say my favorite part was when the two finally realise.. in that little clearing.. that they were in love.. Oh I almost died! LOL Oh and I like the part when.... well all of it! I guess I am a little greedy too! LOL

Postby eloquent » Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:50 pm

You could see the clearing part coming for most of the book but that just made it better when it did come. Definitely rates as one of the best.

BTW don't worry about greed - its under-rated.
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Postby Amalia » Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:01 pm

My favorite part is from when Will and Lyra are in the world of the dead - I didn't even notice it until I had re-read the book several times. Lyra says to Will that she's glad they came down together and then Will hears something in her voice that he
'liked more than anything he'd ever known" and he felt like she was thinking about something she wasn't ready to say yet - it's kind of like a first hint that they are falling in love.

Postby Tristan » Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:46 pm

yeah, land of the dead was great... just as powerful as them falling in love/lee's death etc. and welcome to the boards, Amalia :D
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Postby eloquent » Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:41 pm

There were lots of little hints like that throughout the latter half of the trilogy. I really liked these as well, and I agree they were probably as good as the actual realisation scene.
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