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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4: Thread of Hype

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:18 pm
by Darragh
Really? I'd been considering picking it up; FFVIII will probably always be my irrational-favourite game, so I'll always have some loyalty to Sakaguchi however far off the deep end he goes. Hm, only twenty quid on play. But I haven't played Mass Effect or Bioshock yet, and so I don't know if I can justify a JRPG time-sink..
That's not exactly a bad problem to have but put it on your list. I got alot of pleasure from all 3 games. I cleared Mass Effect twice infact.

I've been ill the last couple of days so I'm up to about 72% in GTA4, some of the latter missions are really great if a little easy unlike other GTAs but some are very imaginative.

It seems Valve actually do take an interest in Zero Punctuation, he gives Painkiller a good review and it's now up on Steam for a tempting price.

Re: Grand Theft Auto 4: Thread of Hype

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 8:05 am
by Max
That's not exactly a bad problem to have but put it on your list.
It is when you have at best a couple of hours a day you can afford to set aside for games (except for last weekend, when I stayed up to 3am both nights playing Zelda). If I got into Lost Odyssey, that would basically be it for weeks.
I've been ill the last couple of days so I'm up to about 72% in GTA4, some of the latter missions are really great if a little easy unlike other GTAs but some are very imaginative.
For me it keeps getting better if only because I'm more and more involved in the city and the characters. Plus, as Yahtzee pointed out in his review, the vast majority of the early missions are essentially tutorials. But have you found that the McCreary storyline fizzles out? I read somewhere it does, so I anticipatively feel let down.
It seems Valve actually do take an interest in Zero Punctuation, he gives Painkiller a good review and it's now up on Steam for a tempting price.
They invited him to their studios a while ago, didn't they. He did a very lengthy and quietly over-awed, surprisingly boring blog about the whole thing.

Re: Grand Theft Auto 4: Thread of Hype

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:38 pm
by Darragh
[quote="Max"]For me it keeps getting better if only because I'm more and more involved in the city and the characters. Plus, as Yahtzee pointed out in his review, the vast majority of the early missions are essentially tutorials. But have you found that the McCreary storyline fizzles out? I read somewhere it does, so I anticipatively feel let down.[quote]

Oh it's certainly getting better. The bankjob mission for example really showed what this game was all about. Maybe it's be getting better but only a few missions have made me retry. I think I've finished all the McCreary stuff, I guess it kinda does fizzle out not that I really noticed it but the missions don't, they remain pretty high quality. Last night I found that special someone...the game wasn't over after it! It made me smile.

Re: Grand Theft Auto 4: Thread of Hype

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:47 pm
by Max
The bankjob mission for example really showed what this game was all about. Maybe it's be getting better but only a few missions have made me retry.
I'm convinced they gimped the AI on the bank job one because it was so long people would be pissed if they had to redo it. It felt like playing a film where all the enemies are bizarrely bad shots. Excellent though as you say. And then the mission where you chase the bikers through the subway - I was deliberately reckless playing it (honest) because it was so cool I wanted to do it multiple times.

Re: Grand Theft Auto 4: Thread of Hype

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:52 pm
by Jamie
I love this game. It's amazing. The only thing that could make me happier with my 360 is if I had Live so I could utterly spank Darragh at Pro. :wink:

Re: Grand Theft Auto 4: Thread of Hype

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:06 pm
by Darragh
I love this game. It's amazing. The only thing that could make me happier with my 360 is if I had Live so I could utterly spank Darragh at Pro. :wink:
Time to wake up Jamie...time to wake up. I actually had this years pro evo on PS3 because I hate the analogue controls but whenever you do get it set up give me a shout and I'll show you how to play. The no lame pass across the box for easy unmissable tap in cheese rule will be in effect. :P