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Most Embarrassing Moments

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Most Embarrassing Moments

Postby darren » Mon Aug 25, 2003 5:28 pm

yep, that's right, guys and gals!

it's time to confess... tell us all about the most embarressing moment in your entire life!

so, just to get you started: amongst many, one of the embarressing times of my life was having to buy some tampons for my mum when she was stuck at home with a broken leg. :oops: it wouldn't have been so bad, but there was a *huge* queue behind me at the shop, and i didn't even have enough money to pay for the pack. :oops: :oops: (and what's more, i knew the girl on the till... :( )


a tear, sarah jane?

but it did happen.
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Postby lostinthought451 » Mon Aug 25, 2003 5:55 pm

hahahaha....roflmao...that's really funny!

I once fell over a boy at the pool.

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Postby jessia » Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:00 pm

i wrote an annonymous valentine to a boy i knew from when i was little and then went to junior high at me because i couldn't tell the difference between "liking" him and nostalgia... then my other friend from when i was little knew him too, knew i wrote it, then made fun of me for the rest of the school year. it's funny 'cause i regretted it the moment i sent it in...

but since you mention tampons, reminded me of a time one of my guy friends was going through my backpack to look for candy, and he finds a pad, and his eyes just like widen in that really freaked-out way... it was SO funny, the look on his face.
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Postby lostinthought451 » Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:01 pm

someone threw tampons all over the ground at my day camp last year.

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Postby jessia » Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:11 pm

grade nine, two girls bought a bunch of the guys tampons for christmas, just for fun. horribly disgusting things they did with those tampons... then left them littering the place where most of the grade nines usually hung out at lunch. mildly amusing though.
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Postby Will » Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:11 pm

People here seem to enjoy playing with condoms...blowing them up and stuff.

I've been able to steer clear of embarassing situnes, so go me!
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Postby Sparrow » Tue Aug 26, 2003 5:20 am

My first kiss with my first boyfriend has to be my most embarassing experience. He was more, erm, experienced than me so the first time he kissed me, he french kissed me. I freaked out and bit his tongue. It all happened in the middle of a school hallway, and he screamed, "Ow! You bit me!" at the top of his lungs, which of course everyone in the school heard. It took me forever to live that down.
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Postby eloquent » Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:40 pm

Well, once I had to buy a ...*shudders*... S Club 7 CD for my sister's birthday. The guy at the till gave me such an odd look that I blurted out "it's not for me! It's for... my sister!", which, if anything, actually made him (and everyone around who had heard) more suspicious :?.
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Postby lostinthought451 » Tue Aug 26, 2003 2:07 pm

S club 7? I once dropped my books in the hallway at school(actually, I did this a couple of times) and they slid down the stairs.

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Postby donkey_booter » Tue Aug 26, 2003 5:54 pm

i've managed to stear clear of most REALLY embarrasing situations but i did once almost burn down my grandads garage. There were these little tassle things on the roof that you could hold on to (for unknown purposes.) One was made of cotton, the other made of. . .something else. We (me and a friend) burnt down the cotton one with sparklers until we couldn't reach it any more (we were about 10) so we moved on to the other one. This burnt a hell of a lot faster and started burning the roof slightly. We both ran out as fast as we could and ran around like lemmings. My grandad luckily noticed this because he was doing the washing up and ran out to inspect. Seeing our shock at something he went into the garage. He also came out running like a lemming but managed to go into the kitchen and get a bucket of water. he ran back and forth twice. When the fire (fairly small i suppose) was out we made up a story about how we'd been running around harmlessly and flailing the sparklers around when it caught on the tassle thing. He believed it thankfully. . .another embarrasing story was my grandad pulling the life support air tube out of my sick aunty and i couldn't help laughing :oops:. . . . .accidentally of course.
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Postby lostinthought451 » Tue Aug 26, 2003 5:57 pm friend once set the sidewalk on fire.

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Postby Shivy » Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:30 pm

Hum, i can't think of anything.. repressed memories and all, lol..
One thing i can remember was in chemistry.. we were talking about uses for batteries, and i couldn't remember what the proper word for a TV remote was.. and i couldn't think of anything else which hadn't been said, so i said 'Tv changer thing..?'
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Postby lostinthought451 » Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:37 pm

*laughs out loud because that is something she might do*

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Postby jessia » Wed Aug 27, 2003 1:24 am

People here seem to enjoy playing with condoms...blowing them up and stuff.
there are worse things to do with condoms unrelated to the purpose of a condom than using them as balloons and blowing them up and stuff.

my friend paul... not so much of a friend considering i barely know him, but within the first two weeks of me meeting him (at the beginning of the last school year), we hear about his sex kit (different types of condoms and a kama sutra <sp>, how-to type book), but that's not the bad part... he takes out a flavoured condom, and puts it around his fingers or his hand or something to suck on it... nor horrible, maybe he was feeling bland or something.

so he's done with the flavouring, he takes the condom of his hand, flips it inside out, thinking there's more flavouring on the inside... he ends up eating the spermicide.
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Postby donkey_booter » Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:44 am

eeeeeeeeeuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh :shock: aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaah :lol: . That's the funniest. . .and grosest thing i've heard in a while.
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Postby eloquent » Wed Aug 27, 2003 2:00 pm

That reminds me of a scout camp all those years ago, when one of the guys bought a packet of bannana flavour ones (god knows when he expected to use them on a scout camp) and proceeded to treat them rather like chewing gum. We (the guys in my tent) woke up at about 2:30 am to the sound of chomping and squelching and christ knows what else he was up to... He was rather weird, come to think of it :roll: .
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Postby lostinthought451 » Wed Aug 27, 2003 2:42 pm

ew......that's odd. very odd, in fact.

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Postby eloquent » Wed Aug 27, 2003 3:22 pm

Indeed... And this is the same guy who happens to have a particular type of joint named after him (an honour shared with Bob Marley among others). To get to that situation... :shock:
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Postby lostinthought451 » Wed Aug 27, 2003 3:30 pm

a joint named after him???? crazy ppls....

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Postby eloquent » Wed Aug 27, 2003 3:31 pm

Apparently it stands 3 feet from the ground when completed. And I've heard it takes two weeks to roll. Yeah, he is pretty crazy.
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