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Memory lane

Questions about Anything Non-HDM

Memory lane

Postby Yrael » Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:06 am

Having only very recently returned to this lovely forum, I was having a little trip down memory lane looking at some old posts, and it got me thinking about who I was back when I made my first post..

It's crazy that it was over 4 years ago that I first posted! But I still remember why it was that I joined in with the talks and debates.. I had just finished reading The Amber Spyglass, and had a few unanswered questions that I wanted to talk to someone about, but no one in my family had read any of the books, so like any normal 14 year old of the time, I turned to the internet. And discovered an incredible online community :)

Looking back at some of my oldest posts, I cringe at my pure lack of grammatical finesse and terrible argumentative sense (in that I was making points that now I look back on them, even I don't understand or even agree with!). But It does take me back in time.. and as much as I feel living in the past is (for the most part) pointless, I do love to indulge in a little nostalgia now and again ;) and since some of the members to this site are getting towards 10 years of loyal posting, I thought it might be nice to have a bit of remembering and sharing of your first or early experiences of Bridge to the Stars, and also who you was when you first joined, and who you have become since :)

I for instance, was a socially awkward 14 year old with the mentality of someone way beyond my years, I feared my peers and generally preferred the company of the internet, or at least of those with whom I didn't have to make eye contact with, and though perhaps at the time I didn't realise it, I was incredibly lonely. I was happy enough though living in ignorance to my own issues. I was very academic and was preparing myself for an incredibly successful school career followed by university and a well paid job.

However, things are quite drastically different to what I expected them to be... Now here I am, a young adult, 18 years of age, an aspiring artist who dropped out of school to pursue a dream of working for Marvel Comics, taking part in a number of acting groups and getting quite the list of shows under his belt, with a girlfriend and a significantly improved social outlook.

It's funny what time can bring. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but everything that does happen, makes us who we are, and the times that I have had since joining here, have been the most critical and difficult, but overall rewarding times of my life so far, and i find that rather incredible.

So I thought this might be a nice topic for discussion, if by some chance something like this already exists I do apologies in advance, I'm a little rusty on my knowledge of existing topics ;)

Anyone feel like sharing?
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