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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:09 am
by king of Svalbard
It happens in TGC when Lyra and Pantalaimon are hiding on the gyptians boat, the cedar wood makes the police peoples daemons unable to smell them.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:34 pm
by bee
It happens in TGC when Lyra and Pantalaimon are hiding on the gyptians boat, the cedar wood makes the police peoples daemons unable to smell them.
Perhaps it works only one way? A daemon can sleep and their person can be awake, but a daemon can't be awake if their person is asleep?

This also reminded me of another favorite part--I love Lyra making up her own memory of the epic duel between Lord Asriel and Mr. Coulter. It's quite fantastic.

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:45 am
by Mitch NZ
The section everyone has been talking about I also agree is the best part of the book. My heart just leapt when I read that passage. And by the time Lyra mentions this scene at the end of TAS my heart was tearing itself to shreds because it's so terribly beautiful but you know what's coming and when it does... :cry:


PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:02 am
by tyche
It happens in TGC when Lyra and Pantalaimon are hiding on the gyptians boat, the cedar wood makes the police peoples dæmons unable to smell them.
Perhaps it works only one way? A dæmon can sleep and their person can be awake, but a dæmon can't be awake if their person is asleep?

This also reminded me of another favorite part--I love Lyra making up her own memory of the epic duel between Lord Asriel and Mr. Coulter. It's quite fantastic.
What is the cedar wood part people keep talking about? I keep seeing people writing about it* making daemons fall asleep but I don’t remember it ever being mentioned in the book

*ok or maybe in this thread and like, one other but still. .

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:20 pm
by Yrael
It happens in TGC when Lyra and Pantalaimon are hiding on the gyptians boat, the cedar wood makes the police peoples dæmons unable to smell them.
Perhaps it works only one way? A dæmon can sleep and their person can be awake, but a dæmon can't be awake if their person is asleep?

This also reminded me of another favorite part--I love Lyra making up her own memory of the epic duel between Lord Asriel and Mr. Coulter. It's quite fantastic.
What is the cedar wood part people keep talking about? I keep seeing people writing about it* making dæmons fall asleep but I don’t remember it ever being mentioned in the book

*ok or maybe in this thread and like, one other but still. .
In the Golden Compass, or Northern Lights, when Lyra is on the Costa's boast, the police search the ship, so she hides under a bed, then when she comes out, she asks why their daemons didn't just sniff her out, or sense her, and Ma Costa told her that the Cedar wood had an affect on daemons which makes them sleep, which was why Pan had slept through the whole ordeal.

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:29 pm
by Philharmonic
nailed it! and dæmons can be awake while person asleep-in tsk pan wakes while the angels are there-it said that lyra would remember it as a dream.

my fave bit has got to be the last bit of nl. the last line must be the best line i have ever read.

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:51 am
by MojaveByrd
I agree with you about that last line of Golden Compass/Northern Lights. I read the line over four or five times it was just so good!

"So Lyra and her daemon turned away from the world they were born in, and looked toward the sun, and walked into the sky."

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:03 pm
by Yrael
I agree with you about that last line of Golden Compass/Northern Lights. I read the line over four or five times it was just so good!

"So Lyra and her dæmon turned away from the world they were born in, and looked toward the sun, and walked into the sky."
Funny, if someone read that line without reading or knowing the rest of the book, they would really get confused.

A great line nonetheless, i felt that Northern Lights did provide more classic moments than Subtle Knife did.

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:25 pm
by Cassis
I like the bit where they steal the alethiometer back from Lord Dumbass (Boreal...oh I hate him), especially when Lyra and Will listen to Mrs. Coulter's converstation and you can so tell that she's getting annoyed with Boreal. I also like it when she kills him, I don't think I've ever been so glad to see a character die. But none can compare to Scoresby's last moments, isn't he just the coolest Cowboy Grandpa/uncle that never knew you wished you had?

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:49 pm
by Stelmaria7
When Lee and Hester die, When Lyra and Will meet for the first and Lyra has no clue about how to make food or the fridge. shes so innocent

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:49 pm
by Valrad
There have been several actually. I see that the majority does not really favor TSK in comparison to the other books, but when I tally the number of favorite scenes, TSK has many, more than TAS for me. The most significant scenes for me were the part where Lyra was tricked and lost the alethiometer and had to beg Will to help her get it back, and all the adventure that resulted from it.

The all times favorite in the whole trilogy is when Lee and Hester die after killing all those soldiers in order to ensure John Parry's escape. It was one of the best scenes about a character's death I have read, and it was truly suspenseful. It was so touching to see how Hester succeeded in holding Lee with his feet on the ground, even if she was a little cruel, but that's why it was all the more enjoyable.

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:49 pm
by Peter
The all times favorite in the whole trilogy is when Lee and Hester die after killing all those soldiers in order to ensure John Parry's escape. It was one of the best scenes about a character's death I have read, and it was truly suspenseful. It was so touching to see how Hester succeeded in holding Lee with his feet on the ground, even if she was a little cruel, but that's why it was all the more enjoyable.
I think Lee and Hester's death is a favourite among many readers. Why not pop over to The Newbie Welcome Board and introduce yourself to us so we can welcome you properly to the forum?

Re: Favourite Part

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:17 pm
by Valrad
There are many ways to handle a character's death, but few actually have that style which succeeds in marking the reader. Lee, although a secondary character, had a death worthy of a main character in a lesser book. Not to mention that he was very enjoyable and I totally liked his attitude.

Alright, I'll go ahead and post at introduction, although I'm not good with introductions...