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PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:08 am
by Isobel

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:14 am
by Pyr
thats my word and my post. please refrain from using that particular one word post again, thank you.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:30 pm
by jessia
i don't mind illustrations or movies. if the book was powerful enough to create distinct images in my head, they can't go away.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 1:30 am
by random guy
oh... we can help that...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 7:15 am
by King Ogunwe
these will just clarify them a little, because your head probably isn't exactly right... :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:15 pm
by jessia

did anyone's visions of quidditch get ruined when they say harry potter?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:24 pm
by Will
I don't get any visions when I 'say Harry Potter' :lol:

A lot depends on the direction the director takes with the HDM movies - whether he sticks to the books or stays true to the spirit. PP has already said that for him it will be a reimagining of the same tale from a different perspective - so perhaps places and people won't be too similar to the books at all. How strong is everyone's mental image of things in HDM? I'd rate mine at about an 8.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 7:09 pm
by random guy
mine about 8 or 9

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:50 am
by King Ogunwe
seven or so...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:50 pm
by Daniel
8.5 or so... if it were any stronger i'd still be thinking of "dæmon" as "DAY-mon" and "Iorek" as "EYE-oh-wreck."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 11:12 pm
by random guy
its NOT day-mon, its Dee-mon...
some people just cant read now-a-days...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:31 am
by King Ogunwe
i always think of it as Day-mon... dunno, just feels right...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:39 am
by Daniel
random guy wrote:its NOT day-mon, its Dee-mon...
some people just cant read now-a-days...

i know, what i was saying is that if my mental image of the books were stronger i wouldn't have been able to switch to saying it the right way.

and the æ isn't a commonly taught letter of the alphabet -- you can't blame people for pronouncing it wrong (unless they take Latin).

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:52 am
by random guy
sorry, I misinturpreted your post, I thought you meant that you would SEE the words in your mind

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:07 am
by jessia
do you get better images from books hearing it read (e.g. "storytime" or audiobooks), or reading it yourself?

i couldn't get a hold of a copy of the amberspyglass, so i had to hear the audio book first. now i permanently think they all sound like that.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 10:45 pm
by jessia
the harpies were frightening... the mark of a good audio-book-reader, LoL. - able to frighen audience.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:09 pm
by Nix
serafina sounded like she was about to burst into tears at any moment


PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:25 pm
by Kyrillion
I loved the audio books! PP was brilliant as narrator (and that isn't a given with authors). And Lyra, after a squeaky start settled down to be very good. I love that bit at the end, when her voice breaks with sadness: 'We got it wrong, though, Pan. We got it all wrong about Roger. We thought we were helping him.' (and since, for some reason, this line en't in the British editions, it was a nice surprise to hear it for the first time).

I though Iorek's voice was near-perfect - emotionless, flat, growly, accented (Finnish?). And Iofur was good too. In the plays they made Iofur Northumbrian for some reason. Yeah, Serefina was good. And Ruta Skadi was wicked in TSK - when she's relating her story with the cliff-ghasts, and she's excitedly imitating all the speakers. Cool.

Panatalaimon seems to be a recurring problem. Should he have a little boy's voice? A man? A bit estuary, like Lyra's? Or posher? Feminine or masculine? Should it change according to form. Did you notice in the audio tape, how he acquired a welsh accent at the end of chapter five?

Oh, one bad thing about the tapes - the child extras were terrible.

... ... Oh that was it. Um, I don't think adaptations can RUIN your perception of the book (especially in such a strongly told story as HDM) but they can change things. Especially in areas not much described in the books. For instance. I have a very vague mental picture of Serefina, but that is probably totally different to all of yours since she isn't much described. Even her hair colour is a mystery. Once I see her on film, I might always picture he that way.

Does anyone imagine the characters exactly how they appear on their editions front cover? I love my original copy of Northern Lights (an old British one, with Lyra and Iorek standing side-by-side, Lyra reading the alethiometer) but I think the kid is too old and strongly-built for Lyra. We've never had a picture of Will on British front covers, and all through TSK I imagined him black. But when I saw the American edition, I started to see him as white.

Re: Stuff

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:29 pm
by TonyOn
Kyrillion wrote:
I though Iorek's voice was near-perfect - emotionless, flat, growly, accented (Finnish?).

I've never heard the audio books so I can't tell if he spoke with a finnish accent or not, but he wasn't supposed to, that's for certain...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:47 pm
by Will
Witch-girl wrote:Yes! So high, and sad, like a violin....*suddenly mimicks Serafina* King Iorek Byrinison, I am wretched with remorse!

Ah, you're right, she really did sound like she was about to burst into tears.... :cry:

That's because it was bloody Noddy!