The Republic of Heaven

LO: Favourite Line/Extract

Discuss the companion books of the HDM trilogy: Lyra's Oxford and Once Upon a Time in the North.

LO: Favourite Line/Extract

Postby kezmondo » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:31 pm

My favorite is when Pullman describes the birds like a napkin that would never tangle and it just keeps weaving in and out of itself. I don't have LO with me (siblings probably using it as a coaster) so I don't have the exact extract. What's everyone else's favorite quote/line?
Hush, the babies are sleeping, the farmers, the fishers, the tradesmen and pensioners, cobbler, schoolteacher, postman and publican, the undertaker and the fancy woman, drunkard, dressmaker, preacher, policeman, the webfoot cocklewomen and the tidy wives. Young girls lie bedded soft or glide in their dreams, with rings and trousseaux, bridesmaided by glowworms down the aisles of the organplaying wood.

::Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas::
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Re: Favourite Line/Extract

Postby Philharmonic » Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:38 pm

(siblings probably using it as a coaster)
HOW DARE THEY!!! they cant deface a HDM book!

anyways my favourite extract is the part where lyra nearly (i cant remember if she does - i've lent my book to a friend) cries over the witch's dæmon. it made me feel sorry for the thing.

Stardate 53476.8. Captain's log. Still won't flush. I'll try again later.
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