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Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:57 pm
by snowberry
Soo.. Basically I'm in love with this series. Seriously.
I've done like three projects on it.. heehee:)
Anyways I found this site and liked it alot, so here I am.
Oh. By the way, I'm Sarena :)
And I'm thirteen years old. How old are the rest of you? Juust wondering...
yeah. I don't know what else to write here. I like birds and shiny things and unicorns and fluffy one-eyed monsters and clams and yeeah.

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:51 pm
by Secret Someone
Hey Sarena :)

I'm glad you found us. I hope you enjoy your stay here! I'm Nikki. :)

As for ages... I think there's a reasonable range. Some of the 'oldies' have been here since they were about your age, I think, and have pretty much grown up here, so I'm sure that regardless of their ages they'll be thrilled to have you here. I'm 21, and I think a lot of the others are in their 20s, but age doesn't really matter. We like HDM fans!

I am also a fan of shiny things and birds, by the way. Do you birdwatch? It's my favourite way to waste time. :D

If you need a hand with anything forum-related, we have various FAQs, but feel free to contact a mod if it'll make stuff easier. Nice to 'meet' you. :)

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:45 am
by bee
Hi Sarena. I like that name. :)

I'm a fan of raptors (the birds, not the dinosaurs, although dinosaurs are cool too). I'm learning to love smaller birds more too though, as my neighbours pour about 20 pounds of birdseed into their yard each day, which means I'm learning about all sorts of new birds.

What were the projects you did on the series?

Did you just read the series for the first time? (Or if not, when did you first read it?)

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:48 pm
by AlexSP
soon, very soon.


Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:13 am
by snowberry
By liking birds I meant I have two fluffy winged creatures who tend to eat my homework.
What I should have said was that I like to read, write poetry, draw anime and play the guitar. Oh and I'm writing a book.

Thanks Nikki, and you're right, age doesn't matter.
Regrettably never tried birdwatching though.. ><

Wow, 20 pounds of birdseed? That's alot... And the projects were something about making a book-cover and writing a synopsis, and something about writing a review and I wrote a play about it for fun in grade five. But no one else understood it so I stopped xD And yeah I've read the first two books 4 times each, and the third 3 times.
How about you?

And Alex (I'm guessing that's your name) I'm guessing you're fourteen...

Tell me about yourselves ^ ^ I'm curious to meet the people I'm gonna be "discussing" with.

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:28 am
by bee
By liking birds I meant I have two fluffy winged creatures who tend to eat my homework.
What kind do you have?
And Alex (I'm guessing that's your name) I'm guessing you're fourteen...
Don't mind Alex. ;) He's just one of those crazy folks on the internet your parents warn you about.

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:34 am
by bethanwy
Hey Sarena, welcome to the forum. :)

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:06 pm
by Aletheia Dolorosa
Welcome to the forum, Sarena!
Tell me about yourselves ^ ^ I'm curious to meet the people I'm gonna be "discussing" with.
Well, I'm Ronni, I'm 26 years old and have been on this forum...forever. I'm from Australia, but now I live in Cambridge in the United Kingdom because I'm doing a PhD there (on medieval Irish literature, which basically means I write about things in languages no one's ever heard of). I also work in a library and write book reviews for newspapers (mainly about YA literature).

I first read HDM when I was about your age (except that The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass hadn't been written yet and I had to wait a few years to find out what happened in the story). I love books, music, TV shows, movies and the internet, and you can usually find me shouting IN CAPS about them somewhere.

Nice to meet you!

Re: Heeylooo x)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:47 am
by snowberry
two lovebirds.
and yes that's very reassuring bee :)

thank youu!

thanks Ronni, and it's nice to meet you!that sounds pretty cool.. Irish...